
Official: OUYA begins shipping, hits retail stores on June 4th


We’re at the OUYA launch event and heard a speech from founder, Julie Uhrman, just as she pressed the “publish” button on the last Kickstarter blog post. We heard from Julie directly: “Nobody knows about this,” she said, “Although the Twitter universe will soon know… we actually started shipping the OUYA yesterday.”

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That’s right, folks. If you were an early backer of the OUYA, you can expect to receive your retail ready OUYA console mighty soon. The post, which can be read in full on Kickstarter, announces a June 4th retail launch.

Some interesting tidbits regarding the launch:

  • 104 titles will be immediately available. And trust us when we say that a TON more games are on the way.
  • OUYA will require an update on first launch but it will be ultra quick
  • You’ll need a credit/debit card to download games… even free ones
  • OUYA supports up to 4 controllers and although you can buy more, it’ll work with Xbox/PS3 controllers among others (some developers we’ve talked to have hacked support for up to 7 remotes).

We’re currently here at the party – see Chris and I getting ready to party in the pic above – and we’re ready to rock out with the OUYA team among other Android gaming enthusiasts.

Hit up to follow all of the latest OUYA action!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Deleted original question b/c people would rather attack then answer honestly.

      1. Right, everyone is posting about the launch event that is going on today I get that. I meant since we first learned about this device there has been little if no interest.

        1. Did you even bother to google Ouya? Sounds like you’re projecting your own lack of interest. I’ve even seen coverage on Mac sites.

    1. Because its their website and they can write about whatever it is they want.

  2. I don’t get it either and i love games just hook my tablet up to the tv and use a Bluetooth controller sure not everything works this way but its good enough don’t see myself buying this with xbox 720 and PS4 coming and Project Shield, Plus they say yearly hardware updates why not wait and see what happens if it takes off ill look into the updated one

    1. All of those options are great, but OUYA is $99. What did your tablet cost? What will PS4 cost? Cost is the primary difference, and the fact that OUYA is powered by Android means that its open to developers to create. It’s only a matter of time where we’ll begin to see if consumers buy this or not. I’ve got mine though!

  3. What’s an Ouy…..Oh! I see, your talking about my new SNESNES 64? Can’t wait!

  4. i love this web site. people got nothing good to say but still say crap about it.

  5. i pledged 99$ for an Ouya and now find out i’m probably npt getting one, because ‘i didnt select a reward’…. ????
    why on earth would i not select a reward?
    i sent a mail to Ouya yesterday, so far no reply :(

  6. needs credit card to install games….
    well looks like i wont be using the stock software

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