
Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2 will reportedly get Android 5.0 upgrade, others to see Android 4.2.2


Key Lime Pie hasn’t had an official announcement, but an insider is already tipping us off to the select group of Samsung devices set to receive the new version of Android. As expected, the list currently includes only Samsung’s high-end devices from the past year, including the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy S4 as well as the Note 2, Note 8.0, and Note 10.1.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

All is not lost for owners of older or lower-specced Samsung devices. The Samsung Galaxy S2, Galaxy Note, and a plethora of other devices are set to receive Android 4.2.2, the latest version of Android currently available. Of course, the list comes with no expected delivery dates, so users might not see the updates until well after Google announces their new Android build.

Google is expected to debut Android 5.0 at this year’s Google I/O, which takes place at the end of May. It is unlikely OEMs will start to deliver Key Lime Pie until later in the summer.

[via SamMobile]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I imagine I’ll be well into the Note 3 when this happens for the Note 2 carrier-branded US versions, but it’s good nonetheless.

    1. my thoughts exactly. I figured out note 2 would get 5.0, but the next android version? maybe, maybe not

  2. I just can’t believe how fast things are moving right now,…things are moving sooo fast right now that even though I have the aging Droid Charge, I am going to hold off on upgrading until the Snapdragon 800 comes to market! Very exciting stuff the 800 will bring, like support for USB 3.0 in smartphones, QuickCharge 2.0 tech,…even more improved battery efficiency!!!

    I will wait until Q3 or Q4 of this year!!! Can’t wait forever though.

    1. Oh!! I was wondering why phones was coming with USB 2.0. My gosh!! It takes ages to move content over. I’ve been doing it over WiFi because it takes so long. LoL!!

  3. Thank you Sammy~

  4. They’re seriously pissing me off with this… if they don’t slow down there firmware upgrades or find a better way to not make us feel like we have to buy a new phone every 5 months i am going to Apple.

    1. Lol, have fun with that

    2. just go back under your bridge troll

    3. Wut

      1. He is not a fan of innovation. “You guys keep releasing tech so fast i cant keep up so i’m going to switch to company that cant keep up” his logic makes no scene.

        1. it made a bit of a scene. got a few replies

    4. A firmware update is software related and isn’t related to the device you have out. You could potentially get this on your device as well. So how are they making you having to get a new device every month?

    5. Let us know how that works out for you…lol

    6. Did you send this from your Commodore 64?

    7. LOL apple… go buy a new iphone with same features. just another number…

  5. Still waiting for my Vibrant to get GB… :-/

    1. Get a goddamn new phone

      1. Lol

    2. Wait, what!? I thought they said the GS1 wasn’t updating to ICS because of RAM issues or something? Meaning it should have the previous one?

      1. The tmobile Galaxy S 4g got GB but they left the Vibrant behind. Mine was running a stock ICS rom before I sold it. Thus I was only making a joke about still waiting.

  6. Hey Spruce Yee,… it’s called evolution! Something Apple obviously does less of than Google. That’s why people make comments like Apple has put out the same IPhone for FIVE years, they evolve a whole lot slower than Google.

  7. nice to see the s2 still getting a little love :-)

  8. yay i get key lime pie! i hope i get one os update after that and samsung will be where they need to be with support for older models. once the update after key lime pie rolls out to their devices i will be in the home stretch of my contract.

  9. Of course this presupposes that the Carriers cooperate.

  10. This is how a company gets my money … not through branding and stupid commercials. But through OS upgrades. Keep them coming Samsung, and I may buy another one of your phones when my S3 can’t keep up anymore.

    1. I second this. Rarely in Android have we seen a 1+ year old device promise a major OS upgrade. Actually, I think never outside the Nexus line has this happened.

      What are the chances of Verizon releasing this too? Oh well, with CM support who cares :)

      1. i often thought the same about cm support. with the Note however, i need stock. I’m sure someone will port stock/tw 5.0 over to Verizon Note 2 before Verizon ever gets to releasing it.

      2. Galaxy S and Galaxy S II both got at least two major firmware upgrades (not update s) this was my reason in getting the Note 2. Galaxy S beat the nexus in getting the most upgrades a phone can get in its life span. Froyo Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwich and then (not official Jelly bean but a bonus ics+ upgrade package)

    2. Hell, the S2 running ICS is pretty impressive, if you ask me.

      1. The S2 actually got Jelly Bean outside of the US.

    3. 2 years ago HTC had the best track record with updates. I went HTC.

      Now it’s Samsung, and for too many reasons, HTC sucks in comparison, including updates. And lying about updates, as for the Desire HD (no excuses, they said they would, then said they wouldn’t). Now I go Samsung.

  11. Well the GS2 is on Jellybean. I’m guessing that’s where my E4GT leaks are coming from. I’m proud of Samsung for doing that. Updating their old 2 year old device.

  12. cool beans..

    1. I haven’t heard that in a while…guess what I’m saying all day tomorrow…till then Cool Beans

  13. Samsung is doing a great job and seems to actually “get it”

    I wish they would beef up the build quality though, if they would make these devices with the same build quality and materials as HTC the phones would be literally perfect; but they have my loyalty for now!

  14. Id have a better shot of completing a call from my dogs swing bag, than from my galaxy s3. Both Verizon and Samsung have failed me. I’m going back to HTC asap

  15. I’m not suprised, samsung is on a roll.

  16. Gotta hand it to Samsung on this. They are good about updating their older devices (at least most of them).

    The SGS2 went from GB to ICS to JB and soon the second version of JB. Pretty damned impressive. It’s one of the reasons I’m thinking about a Galaxy S 4. We’ll see.

  17. I doubt T-Mobile USA will get either. They are either holding out for the S4 to do an update or they really just want people to move up to the S4. More and more as time flys, the Nexus program looks better. At least I can count on updates past the next gen successor coming out. The Nexus 4 maybe buggy, but they will find a way to fix it. I think I am going from Samsung’s Galaxy S3 to the Nexus 5 or the Google X Phone. Cheaper device with tons of support, enough said.

  18. What about the Galaxy Nexus?

  19. dude shut up and stop trollin

  20. the key to this is getting the newest phone and hoping it’s in the cylce of updates. i purchased the inspire 4g from att.. thinking i’ll receive ICS but nope.. switched to sprint with gs2 and sprint was the last phone in the world to push the OTA. i actually just installed a copy i got offline. then 3 months later the day before switching to tmobile … the OTA came thru. horrible sprint. now i have the note 2 and ive been getting my ics and jelly bean updates. now to get a slice of keyline

  21. So I’m guessing this means the S3 won’t get 4.2 (we’re on 4.1.2 right now) and will have to wait for Samsung and Verizon to drag their butts in getting 5.0 out, which probably won’t be until next year sometime. Good times.

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