
Android 4.0+ commands more device share than Gingerbread in latest platform numbers


Google has updated its platform distribution numbers to reflect the two week period ending March 4th, 2013. The numbers are looking pretty interesting these days, folks, as devices with Android 4.0 and higher seem to be the majority now.

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Ice Cream Sandwich has 28.6%, while Jelly Bean has 16.5%. Of course, Android 4.1 holds the vast majority of Jelly Bean’s share with 14.9% compared to the 1.6% 4.2 has.Gingerbread isn’t dead by any means as it still holds 44.2% of the pie. Amazingly enough, Froyo and Eclair are still kicking with a combined 9.6% of the share. We’re sure there are a few oddball devices still floating about, but considering the hundreds of thousands of device activations taking place each day that’s still pretty significant.

Google is expected to introduce Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie at Google I/O in a couple of months, and by the time we reach that version these numbers could be much different. The arms race for Android 4.2-enabled device hasn’t even taken off quite yet, as ASUS was the first OEM to deliver the goods to a non-Nexus device this week.

It’s tough to say if any of these versions of Android will ever quite reach Gingerbread status, but we’re happy things seem to be staying in the right direction. Check the chart above and find the full table at the source link ahead.

[via Android Developers]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’ll take a slice of that Key Lime Pie…

  2. 1.6 Donut 4… 0.2%
    2.1 Eclair 7… 1.9%
    2.2 Froyo 8… 7.6%
    2.3 – 2.3.2 Gingerbread 9… 0.2%
    2.3.3 – 2.3.7 10… 44%
    3.1 Honeycomb 12… 0.3%
    3.2 13… 0.9%
    4.0.3 – 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich 15… 28.6%
    4.1 Jelly Bean 16… 14.9%
    4.2 17… 1.6%

    Total: 100.2%

    1. Numbers are rounded up or down when collecting individual statistics, which means statistics often do not add up to 100%. For instance: 35.55%, 35.55%, and 28.90% add to 100%, but round to 35.6, 35.6 and 28.9, which boosts the total to 100.1 while being accurate.

      1. I just learned that in my statistics & research class. Its called raw data first then interpreted data. Damn, i surprised myself just now…

      2. Yeah, but in your example the error is 0.1 when the numbers are all more than 20.
        Here the error is equal to some of the numbers, that makes it weird, they should have given two decimals.

  3. Still hoping google will step up and have the device updates in play store. End this carrier delay.

    1. Different hardware done by each carrier, android doesn’t support this stuff out of the box, if it did, rooted phones would have fully functional stock AOSP roms from day one of a google release. So if they put out updates through the play store, google would have to develop specially for each and every phone all of which have different internals and setups inside. I’d settle for manufacturers leaving phones easy to root and install custom roms on.

  4. my condolences for anyone running anything older than 4.0

  5. I got a loaner phone from Best Buy two weeks ago that had Froyo on it. It was awful.

    1. I hate their phones, the best one I got from them was an EVO shift

  6. And we know K(ey Lime Pie) is 5.0 because? I’m still hoping it’s a 4.x version of android, specially since numbering doesn’t matter.

    1. Look how fast google is putting out major chrome versions even when the updates don’t warrant a full number change same with firefox since they changed to the chrome way of updating now

      1. Yes, but almost every device running chrome is on the same version of chrome.

  7. I guess that officially makes my Samsung Droid Charge “old”!

  8. Gingerbread is still a solid release. I like to think of it as the XP of Android. I know a few people who haven’t bothered updating their SIIs. I personally cannot handle waiting for OEMs to push out updates. I went from a Nexus S, which had JB, to an HTC One S and that phone just got JB the other day. WTF?! Lol. Anyway, I’m back on the Nexus train with the N4.

    That said, it’s nice to see 4.x gaining share.

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