
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 receives CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies


Some of the first CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies for tablets are rolling out this morning, and it’s Samsung’s classic Galaxy Tab 10.1 line that is getting the love. The base Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, the WiFi variant, the Verizon variant, the T-Mobile variant and the revised Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v are all invited to this party.

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It’s great to think that we’re close to 2013 and these 2011 devices are still receiving ample support from the great development community surrounding Android. CyanogenMod 10.1 features the absolute latest version of Jelly Bean in Android 4.2, and with that we’ll be getting new things like user accounts, a new settings toggle function, lock-screen widgets and more.

Most of the files are right around 156MB, though the 10.1v variant will be a little easier on bandwidth at about 121MB. Before you dive in and die in Jelly Bean heaven, be sure to remember that nightlies are not meant to be perfect. Often times than not they’re stable enough for most people to be daily drivers, but until these ROMs hit release candidate status nothing is guaranteed to work.

As such, the CyanogenMod team doesn’t like it when you report bugs at this stage, and it definitely doesn’t like it when you ask for an ETA on more stable versions. As long as you know that your device is your responsibility and that there is a chance you’ll run into some critical bugs then don’t hesitate in getting the download from the ROM’s official mirrors. Find it at the source link ahead.

[CyanogenMod Downloads, thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I can’t wait for a stable release for gs3 just too many bugs at this point to be useful but I do like some of the changes they baked in

    1. Like what? I haven’t really experienced any MAJOR bugs on CM10.1 for D2SPR.

      1. And when’s the last time you updated? :)

        The biggest bug — broken DATA — was just finally fixed a few nights ago (d2att here), but some remaining problems as of the 12/31 nightly are:

        1) Google Play Music, and a few other audio apps, crash the phone on playback (unless you use a 3rd-party kernel)

        2) Camera still sometimes crashes and requires a reboot to resussitate

        3) Bluetooth audio quality fail (I don’t care about this one much)

        4) WiFi hotspot fail

        5) HDMI out fail (used to work; i miss it)

        Still, it’s a dailydriver for me, though I have been missing my music…

        1. Just updated to 12/31 from 12/26 today, actually. I don’t use any of the above besides camera, but haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. I’ve been snapping random pics all day so far to test this theory too. Luckily, I never experienced any data issues.

        2. Its been a week my biggest problem was Google play not working at all

  2. @Quentyn Issue in title, it’s “nightlies” without a T at the end :D

    1. They were the nighliest in the bunch

  3. I’ve been running 10.1 on my Tab 10.1 (P7510) for a full day now without a single problem.

    I was even able to dirty flash it – thought I had to uninstall and reinstall Google Drive, Currents, and Youtube (And flash the 4.2 apps).

    It’s a tad slower than 10.0, but I’m sure it’ll even out with newer builds.

    1. Does it have full hardware support? I remember back when I was running the CM9 nightlies, they didn’t have camera support (and I like being able to video-chat with my family when I’m traveling).

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