If you fancied HTC’s special 2-tone “Oreo” color scheme on the Cushnie Et Ochs edition of their One X, the device is now being auctioned off on eBay. Bids started at $350 (but are currently up to $510 at the time of writing), and with 6 days to go, we’d expect to see that number grow much higher. It looks like the device is being shipped from Alabama here in the states but be cautious — the seller has absolutely no history of any kind. How high do you think bids will reach?
Sad thing is if this was an iphone the fanboys would have bid into the tens of thousands
By fanbodys you mean 12 year old girls everywhere.
Or just regular people who want a phone that actually works and is not full of bugs and malware
Cuz the iPhone is worth it
maybe 1000 give or take
It’s been removed… probably a fake
Doesn’t look removed… bidding is still going on like normal.
I would buy it for 400 but I buy devices based on hardware not looks.
That’s good news for HTC because this phone looks ugly (and yet very tasty!)
Then why buy it at all over the original OneX?
It’s not an oreo. It’s a black and white cookie! Big cookie. Big difference.
Designing this color scheme probably took as much thought as Apple deciding to make the iPhone in a rectangle shape… so HTC should probably get a patent on this..
I like it. Phones are boring looking right now, and this is at least interesting to look at. I still would prefer the custom dino S3 that the Canadian guy got from Samsung.
Listing was ended, item no longer available.
Either he struck a deal with a person outside of eBay, or it was a scam.