
Android Overload: Chart of Apple’s Patents and Samsung Devices Accused of Violating Them, Acer Iconia Tab A110 Spotted With J-Bean, and More


It’s Monday night, and we’ve got another episode of the Android Overload. These are all the news bites from around the web that didn’t get featured on our front page, but we stashed them away for you just in case. Like an Android buffet, only less filling.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Handy chart of Apple’s patents, and the Samsung devices accused of violating them. [Cnet]
  • Judge bars Samsung from presenting 2 key witnesses. [Electronista]
  • Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich now available Bell’s LG Optimus 4G LTE via LG Mobile Support Tool. [Bell]
  • Motorola patents affirmed as FRAND and Apple’s antitrust claims dismissed in Apple vs Moto patent trial. [FOSSPatents]
  • ASUS/Google to sell 3 million Nexus 7’s in Q3? [Tech-Thoughts]
  • HTC makes push in China to recover US and European sales slump. [BGR]
  • Google+ bringing custom URL’s for verified accounts. [Google]
  • Ex-Motorola employee says it’s harder to work with Android post-merger. [BusinessInsider]
  • Acer Iconia Tab A110 spotted in press shots with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. [NetbookNews]
  • FCC teardown shows insides of wireless charging extended battery for HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE. [WirelessGoodness]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Google: 4,000 Motorola Jobs Being Cut, Will Provide Generous Severance Packages And Outplacement Assistance

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  1. It makes sense for Judge Koh to bar Samsung from presenting Sohn as a witness, since Samsung tried for months to keep Apple from calling him as a witness; they can’t just change their mind now. But disallowing Samsung from presenting Park makes no sense at all; Park designed the F700! It doesn’t matter if Park didn’t design the phones Apple is suing over, Park designed the phone that shows that Samsung was working on the same stuff as the iPhone simultaneously with Apple.

    1. Yet she allowed Apple to use an ‘expert witness’ that had never ever design a phone at all.

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