
New Twitter App On The Block: Slices from the developers of TweetCaster


Your Twitter life is about to get a makeover: introducing Slices from the developers of TweetCaster.

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You: There’s already enough Twitter apps in the Play Store…

Me: NO! *flips table* There can never be enough.

Without Twitter, I’d be aimlessly floating around the world wide web, scoffing at Facebook friends, and keeping up date with current events via BuzzFeed. So, to say I take Twitter seriously — would be an understatement. I love Twitter. I love my friends on Twitter. I currently follow around 600 of the baddest mofo’s the net has to offer and maybe that has been my greatest downfall. Sometimes, it’s tough to keep up with both my friends, gaming sites, Android peeps with all their tweets getting combined in one, big jumbled mess. Don’t even get me started on the girls I follow clogging up my stream with random quotes and subtweets.

Thankfully, OneLouder is here to make Twitter more accessible for newbies, while providing more advanced functions for powerusers. That’s the point of Slices, their all new Twitter app that helps users explore their Twitter universe, finding new people to follow, staying up to date with your favorite users by bookmarking them, and following live events. I’m a sucker for a good UI and OneLouder hit it out of the ballpark with Slices. They managed to follow Google’s Holo design philosophy while still adding their own flare. Gorgeous doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Soon, OneLouder will have available their own Slices site ( that will sync the tweets you’ve read and allow you to access your slices online. If you want to give Slices a-go, it’s currently free to download from the Google Play Store. Let me know what you think.

[Play Store Link]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I liked the looks, but didn’t like the app after installing it and trying it out. booo

    1. It’s hard getting used to change. I’ve been using Twicca for years now and’ve gotten used to it. I tend to give all Twitter apps a few days of use before passing judgement :p

      1. Well, I didn’t like how it performed either :P

        1. Well, sh*t, bruh.. O_o

          1. I know, I know I’m lame

  2. I can see Twitter apps already out now adding these features. I will try it because I like new and upcoming things. I still like Tweetlanes though ;-)

    1. I jump between UberTwitter, Tweetlanes, Twicca, and Boid. Oh, and the official Twitter app only because of the push notifications ;p

      1. Good gawd man

  3. Loooves iiiiit!!

  4. Sorry, but I’ll stick with TweetLanes. I prefer the really simple and clean interface. Any app that forces me to click another button to actually send a tweet is neither simple nor clean

  5. It sounds like OneLouder has put a lot of time and effort into making this app and UX really great for users. Too bad; perhaps if they hadn’t, Friendcaster might not be such a piece of crap!

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