
Jelly Bean Binaries Now Available For Sprint Nexus S/4G, Xoom WiFi – GSM/Verizon Galaxy Nexus Updated (Sprint Galaxy Nexus Absent)


Some good (and not so good) news for lovers of Android development and the wonderful custom ROMs that result from it. Google has officially posted the binaries for a handful of Nexus devices, including Motorola Xoom WiFi and both the Sprint Nexus S 4G and GSM variant. Binaries were also updated for the GSM Galaxy Nexus and Verizon Galaxy Nexus with, sadly, only Sprint’s Galaxy Nexus missing out on Jelly Bean AOSP goodness.

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Googler Jean-Baptiste Queru revealed the good news today via the Android Building Google Group:

A new set of proprietary binaries for Jelly Bean are available at

This adds binaries for crespo (Nexus S), crespo4g (Nexus S 4G) and
wingray (US WiFi Xoom).

This also updates the binaries for maguro (GSM Galaxy Nexus) and toro
(VZW Galaxy Nexus).

All those binaries were tested against android-4.1.1_r3, i.e. JRO03H.

Binaries for grouper (Nexus 7) are unchanged since JRO03C and are
suitable for JRO03H.


Jean-Baptiste M. “JBQ” Queru
Technical Lead, Android Open Source Project, Google.

There you have it. Expect stable/better functioning versions of your favorite AOSP ROMs in the very near future.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I’m hating myself for upgrading to GS3 from my Galaxy Nexus (Verizon)

    1. As you should be! but you will get updated around the holidays….:-)

      1. That sounds overly optimistic. :D

        1. he didn’t specify which year :p

    2. Why not just flash Cyanogenmod?

  2. I kinda wish I would kept my galaxy nexus instead of getting the gs3! All the roms were awesome and the Google wallet. Also I just upgraded my moms phone with my dad’s upgrade and they kept the unlimited data! Wish I would of saved my upgrade

    1. Google Wallet working great on my gs3 on Verizon. Even the new version released today. See thread on XDA.

  3. Really thanks!

  4. What did you use to root it?

    1. look up wugfresh

    2. Here, best root resource I have ever found for the Galaxy Nexus. http://www.thesuperusersguide.com/samsung-galaxy-nexus.html

  5. Kinda sucks… seeing as I have a Sprint Gnex
    … still the developers are making great JB ROMs

  6. And now the clock starts for VZW to get it pushed out after the testing they do… 4.0.4 took them like 6 months. This should take them forever it seems like.

    Does anybody know how to root the stock rom, but not unlock the bootloader? I don’t want a custom rom, I just want root.

    1. As far as I am aware you have to unlock the bootloader to gain root access. BUT immediately after you unlock and gain root you can re-lock the bootloader. Use wugfresh rootkit and you’ll have it done in no time.

  7. Sprint Galaxy Nexus Here. Just updated.

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