It wasn’t too long ago we learned of an over-the-air update headed to Verizon’s Galaxy Nexus and now it appears as if the Sprint version will be seeing similar treatment. Software version L700.FG01 wont be bringing Jelly Bean along for the ride, but it will introduce a modified received signal strength indicator (RSSI), as well as bring support for Sprint TV, and will turn on WiFi and LTE by default.
Sprint Galaxy Nexus users can start checking for the update whenever you like, but the official rollout is set to begin tomorrow, July 26th. Jelly Bean soon after? We can only hope…
I’m loving legit jelly bean on my GSM GNex :)
Rub it in why don’t you!!!
Haha, you guys can root to take care of that if you don’t want to wait till 2013. LOL
How does rooting help him get Jelly bean? don’t you mean flash the rom?
How doesn’t it help him/her? Rooting will give the ability to obtain a recovery to flash ROMs. So stop trying to start something.
Yes because making him root his device without needing to is a good advice. He/she has to unlock the bootloader, before being able to root galaxy nexus, so while he/she is unlocking the bootloader he/she can flash it at the same time. There is no need to root it.
If the bootloader wasn’t locked then yes your way is fine, but it is locked unfortunately.
It’s common sense to unlock a bootloader before obtaining root. :P
yeah that is kind of my point, rooting is something you do after flashing your device, it isn’t necessary if he/she wants JB. Anyway we are going off-topic so I’m just gonna stop posting ;)
Only in America does updates suck!
Sprint TV? Sprint has finally heard the cries of its Nexus customers and are finally providing this amazing feature. Thank you Sprint. Thank you
Love that sarcasm.
Actually, if you took even a few minutes to go through a few posts on Sprint’s Gnex forums, you’d find quite a few people asking about Sprint TV or Sprint’s Visual Voicemail app and wondering why they’re gone or not available/compatible.
First you have to root your phone. Then you unlock the boot loader. Next you replace the recovery with a custom one such as twrp or clockworkmod. Last you flash a ROM. You cannot do any modding without rooting first. Rooting gives you permissions to change your phone. Without that you are stuck.
You can’t root before you have unlocked the boot loader.
First time I have heard that, any sauce on that? cause if you can root with a locked bootloader, then that is a seriously security risk that need to be fixed.
Long history on this one. Temp root always roots on a locked bootloader (or there would be the need for temp).
Every year, there are root exploits found for various models that work without an unlock. Until recently, there was a Mac/Linux/Windows one-click for the HTC One X that does a permanent root without an unlock – may or may not still work depending on your update level, because once makers know that things are being exploited, they update to close the crack – if they can.
Rooting on locked – including locked and encrypted bootloaders – is very, very common.
You can root without unlocking the boot loader. Rooting allows for removal of carrier bloatware. Run commands within the android os and is essential need in unlocking the boot loader. Some phones require a temp root before so you can unlock the boot loader.