
Google officially announces Jelly Bean rollout for Nexus S on T-Mobile, Rogers, Vodafone, and more


Last night we learned that some Nexus S owners had begun to receive the update to Android 4.1, and after receiving several more reports from users today (notably those on T-Mobile in the USA), Google has posted details of the update. Google says the update should be headed to handsets on T-Mobile, Rogers, O2, Vodafone, and H3G “in most countries,” so if you have a Nexus S tied to any of those networks you should expect a system update notification to hit your handset any time now. For more details head over to Google’s Nexus page over at G+. The link’s below.

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[via Google+ | Thanks to all who sent this in!]

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  1. Received a minor update (1MB) this afternoon, I figured it was some sort of prep update, guess I was right.

  2. Good now get Tmobile to release it for the GSII.

  3. i have a nexus s on at&t and I’m still on gingerbread, according to my phone I’m ”up to date.” did google just skip ics?

    1. You should definitely be on ICS, my friends with Nexus S’s on ATT got it OTA several months back. The NS is 10x better on ICS and it actually makes me sad to think a fellow Nexus user has been putting up with GB for so long, you must fix this!

      Still refreshing on Tmob for 4.1 but nothing yet..

  4. Good to see the Nexus S on jb!

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