The Android platform version distribution chart has received its monthly refresh, and the results are much the same as last month. Gingerbread still holds the lead, with Android 2.3 appearing on 58.6 percent of devices. That’s an increase from last month’s 55 percent. Froyo still comes in at second but its share continues to shring, now down to 27.8 percent from last month’s 30 percent. Honeycomb has never boasted a huge presence and still hovers around 3.4 percent, showing little movement since the last report. With the release of Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 3.0’s chance to flourish has likely ended. The latest version of Android is currently installed on 1 percent of devices, up 0.4 percent since last month. The growth isn’t drastic just yet, but expect Android 4.0’s grasp to steadily increase as manufacturers push updates and new handsets begin shipping with ICS.
[via Android Developers]
How are more people still walking around with cupcake and donut devices than galaxy nexuses?
Show me how to go into T-Mobile, AT&T, or Sprint to buy a GN. Oh wait.
Show me how to go anywhere and buy a cupcake or donut device in the last two years.
Take aplane to a 3rd world country
Please don’t feed the RedPanda Troll.
Every morning I get to decide whether I want to use a T-mobile or AT&T Sim Card with my Galaxy Nexus. :-P
growth problems, i wish i could say: “finally i am part of the 1%!”, but i am still at 2.1… well its better then being the wrong 1% i guess
“its shares continue to shring”? Is that something like “shrink” and “declining”? :)
Look at all the devices announced to be released this year..Many still running gingerbread..LAME!
Well I’m glad they put an end to fragmentation. smh
They did in January 2010, it was called the Nexus One.
I know this is preaching to the choir but ICS source code has been out for 2 1/2 months and still only 1% of phones have it. Meanwhile probably upwards of 75% of android devices could support it just fine. It makes me so mad that carriers quit updating phones 3 months after releasing them and End-of-Life them after 6 months. Carriers just say “You want the newest version of android? Buy a new phone.” What’s even worse is that Google allows them to sabotage the Android ecosystem like this.
@Itmustbejj is absolutley right….they put out so many phones. Some with bugs like mine and they refuse to push uodates…smh
Where is Android 1.0? I am running that on my G1!
No you’re not. Check and you’ll see it’s running 1.6…
And I’m going to forever be on 2.3 because Samsung can’t be bothered to update the Galaxy S with the last 2.X updates [yet alone ICS].
Why isn’t there 2.3.5? I had 2.3.3 a week ago, but got a notification to
upgrade to 2.3.5, and its waay better. Really? People still use 2.1?