
Sony Unveils the SmartWatch, Shipping With Xperia S Later This Year


Smart watches are all the rage these days, apparently, as yet another player has come to the table with one… sort of. Sony has introduced the SmartWatch and has announced that the device will ship with the Xperia S later this quarter for about 100.

Sony Ericsson – the joint partnership between Sony and Ericsson whose phone and mobile division will soon be swallowed by Sony – had the LiveView accessory and while it was a great idea they didn’t really execute the way I thought they would have.

Sony’s giving it another shot here, though. We’re looking at a 1.3 inch OLED (read: WIN!) screen which pairs to your phone via Bluetooth and will show you incoming calls, texts, emails and more.

It’s important for devices like these to be extensive so we’re happy to know that Sony will be making an SDK for developers and will support application downloads from the Android market. Head to their site for more information.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Hopefully the xperia S in on T-mobile or is pentaband

  2. What about other phone will it be compatible with them also or just Sony line?

    1. They said any android phone

  3. Gawd I want this so badly but I took a solemn oath to never buy a Sony product again.

    1. So true my friend!  I bought a SE Xperia X10 and it was so fundamentally flawed.  Sony didn’t even upgrade us to a dual-touch screen until a year ago!  We were stuck with Android 1.6 until 6 months ago.  F Sony.  F Xperia.  Buy an HTC or Samsung phone.  They know what they’re doing.

      1. You missed out, SE have been on top of updates in 2011

      2. Malcolm is correct. SE has done a 180 on updates and cooperation with the hacking community. I complained loudly about my X10 and SE’s updates and locked bootloader. SE is actually one of the best now when it comes to user empowerment.

  4. Bah i wish htc would make such a smart watch thing! Awesome design…

  5. When other people chose wristwatches, they may have their own threshold of functionality that is different from yours.  If someone’s threshold of functionality is lower than yours, then it is okay to make fun of people?

    What does “Gay” have to do with a wristwatch?

  6. I wish it was more stylish, not a block on my wrist

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