
Dead Zebra Introduces New “Toy Soldier” Android Collectible For The Holidays


If you’re looking for that perfect gift for your “Android nerd” this holiday season, look no further than Dead Zebra’s new — limited edition — Toy Soldier holiday themed Android collectible. Designed by artist Gary Ham (his work is amazing), he adds a new twist to an old classic by giving our beloved Android mascot a toy soldier makeover, complete with windup key.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

You’ll have 2 chances to pick up your very own Toy Soldier Android collectible this Wednesday, December 14th at 11AM (ET) when the first batch goes on sale, followed by the second batch at 11PM (ET). There’s a 2 collectible limit, so don’t expect to buy in bulk. According to Dead Zebra, these little guys should make it in time for Christmas but if you don’t feel like stressing, order Priority Mail to be safe.

What do you guys think? I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t be ordering anymore (already have around 30 of these guys) but sometimes, they’re just so hard to resist!

[Dead Zebra Shop | Holiday Shipping Deadlines]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I want one, a dozen of them. I want my little army to break in to Verizon Store and get my phone already. 

  2. Why not give the price of the little Android?  Probably like the phones $799 each.

    1. They’re always around $11 including shipping =)

      1. of course, though, they’re going to sell like hotcakes, no doubt.  The trick is getting into the site while everyone is trying to get them. They get expensive on the resale market.

  3. Now THAT is the only one besides the original plain green guy that I’ve had any interest in. Suitable for hanging on a tree!

  4. Next should be an android Nutcracker ;-) now that I would pay $100 for :-D

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