
Rumor: Motorola XOOM 2 Pricing Revealed, Galaxy Nexus Was Headed Our Way 11/28


A couple of interesting tidbits have come out of the Droid-Life camp. Firstly, we may have our first glimpse at pricing for the Motorola XOOM 2 in a MAP list leaked to them. These are said to be on-contract pricing and they breakdown as follows:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

8″ 16GB- $430

8″ 32GB – $530

10″ 16GB – $530

10″ 32GB – $630

10″ 64GB – $730

These prices seem very reasonable and we imagine the WiFi versions sure to launch afterward will be a bit cheaper, bringing it more in line with their competitors’ options. We still don’t have a solid date to look forward to but we’re starting to get used to that around here.

Droid-Life also has evidence that Verizon certainly did plan to release the Galaxy Nexus on 11/28 but couldn’t as they couldn’t ship product that week.

Of course, all of this is about as credible as a ham sandwich that has this information written in mustard considering these look like VERY plain documents, but we’ll roll with anything we can get.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. For the record, a ham sandwhich has never let me down.

    1. Lol…or a turkey sandwich for that matter.

    2. Sandwiches in general.

    3. Assuming you have the proper woman to make them for you. 

      (Don’t bash me, ladies, it’s just a joke.) 

      1. There are no girls on the Internet; you’re fine.

  2. I really don’t care when the Galaxy Nexus was supposed to be here, I only care about when it WILL be here.

  3. Let the flood of retarded and pointless Galaxy Nexus whining commence!

  4. No more XYboard? Oh no… :D

  5. Yeah right, Samsung’s been able to spray the market with their Galaxy SII phones en masse, then now all of a sudden they’ve got a choke on the Galaxy Nexus?!

    Debate that they’re different phones all you like, I ain’t buying it. Either they’re skipping on release for 11/28 due to NOT wanting the phone to be part of the current fire sale or they’re afraid of cannibalizing the current lineup.

    1. I don’t think any of this delay has to do with Samsung or Google.  I think this is ALL Verizon’s doing.  They want as many people as possible to drop $300 on contract for the Rezound and RAZR.  Then come out with the Nexus, “Oh sorry, you shoulda waited, would you like me to exchange the Rezound for the Nexus, it will just be $35.”  How many $35 restocking fees do you think they’re going to get?  Then they’ll turn around, and have that phone on Certified Like New for $50 less on contract.  They won’t care about that $15 difference because they know they should be selling these phones for $200 on contract to begin with.

  6. This phone will go the way of Duke Nukem. Rumors will float for 20 years and we will never see it.

    1. As good of a reference as that is, you know its not acurate. With the Nexus Prime (Screw the “Galaxy” tag) already being released over seas and confirmed release dates in Canada, the states will most definitely get it. At least within 20 years. :D

      1. Screw you and your logic and “facts,” John. Way to buzzkill my poor analogy!

  7. I hope the wifi costs $200 less because right now I have the Transformer Prime on the brain and I can’t stop thinking about it….(32GB for $499 + thinner/lighter/probably better display & speakers)

  8. Motorola is just keeps dropping the ball on the pricing of the Xoom.

  9. as long as it doesn’t turn into the Bionic II and take 9 months and still comes out this year i’ll be happy.  By the way has anybody heard anything about CES in January, anything good being shown this year???

  10. So Verizon planned to ship it on the 28th but found out that they can’t ship product this week? Damn, it’s too bad we just started doing this Thanksgiving holiday thing this year. 

  11. If Motorola intends on selling any of these, the Wifi only model pricing needs to be as such:
    8″ 16 GB – $299
    8″ 32 GB – $349
    10″ 16 GB – $399
    10″ 32 GB – $449
    10″ 64 GB – $499
    In order for Motorola to compete in a landscape that includes the iPad 2, Transformer Prime, and Kindle Fire, they’re going to have to accept the fact that they’re profit margins are going to shrink and price these tablets low. If they can’t undercut the iPad 2 and Transformer Prime, iPad users certainly aren’t going to switch and Android loyalists are going to opt for the Prime. Then there’s people who don’t want to pay that much and they’ll go for the Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet.

  12. Sources on these Galaxy Nexus rumors?

  13. lol a giant over priced razr 

  14. Reasonable prices?WTF $730…for a 10in , yeah reasonable prices…FTW…

  15. I have never commented on any of these sites before but I have a different perspective regarding the XOOM 2.

    I am an outside sales Mgr and we provided our reps iPad ‘s (AT&T 3g original version). The price for these was $800+. At the time the 4G XOOM (assuming it had 4g) was $500 + (on contract). Considering we purchase devices with a longer life expectancy than typical consumers, at the time the XOOM conceptually had far more usable long term features for us than the iPad. We just couldn’t justify the risk of brring an early adopter.

    Much of the angst towards the XOOM was precisely during to the fact that it was Google’s test bed into the tablet market. All things considered, it was a pretty darn good first attempt.

    I have been patiently waiting for the right Android tablet to replace my iPad and love the specs of the Prime but think I will go with the XOOM 2 for the following reasons: 4g, build quality, digitizer stylet. The XOOM 2 seems more geared towards enterprise (me) than the Prime.

    I think the new XOOM 2 will do much better and is priced appropriately assuming it works as advertised. They have already got discounted offerings: XOOM $199 and XOOM FE.

    Being the lowest price offering can’t be everyone’s strategy.

  16. Can we just at least pre-order it so we can all feel like a normal human being? I don’t care anymore that it’s in the f*cking phone shop for repairs! Let me use my fucking credit card and buy it so I can move on…FU Verizon!

  17. If you’re enterprise you should’ve gone with asus original transformer and use remote desktops to access work data at a home machine.  Just give reps phones that can become hotspots, no need for built in antennas or contracts.  Once youre total guru you can start making apps to make your employees lives easier and stop overwhelming them with busy work.

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