
Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple, Picks Up his Galaxy Nexus


The Woz may have helped to start the behemoth that is now Apple, but now he has crossed behind enemy lines to pick up his very own Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Wozniak stopped over at the Google campus today where he received the GNex and a t-shirt. The pictures of the event, which show him in front of Google’s Android statues, are circulating all over Google+ at the moment.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

We can’t say whether or not Wozniak will use the Galaxy Nexus as his every day smartphone (he has been an iPhone user in the past), but the exchange sends a message to Apple. Though he doesn’t work for the company anymore, it still has to sting to see a man who put a lot of hard work into creating the brand being friendly with the competition.

[via Google+ (Nicolas Roard)]

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  1. He decided to finally choose the better phone.

    1. He has been using Android phones along with iPhones since the first Droid came out. He will have like 8 different devices for navigation on at the same time in his car. 

      He is just someone who likes to try all different types of tech like myself.

      1. Yeah but it’s the photo op on Google campus. Apple PR isn’t going to like this.

        1. why does that matter to you though?

          1. Because it matters to iTards.  For the same reason they only buy Apple stuff for no other reason other than the fact it’s made by Apple.  Apple can do no wrong as far as they are concerned but they don’t understand technology enough to make that determination themselves.

    2. I just want to point out, this is not his first android phone. He went on the Endadget show and showed everyone what devices he has on him at all times. At that time they were:
      A Verizon Iphone 4
      An ATT Iphone 4
      And either 1 or 2 Nexus S phones (I can’t remember exactly
      An Ipad

      He’s just updating his android device, thats all.

      1. interesting. didn’t know about all that…..thx

        1. It’s easier to just talk s***, huh? ;)

  2. He’s still a paid employee. He doesn’t “work” for the company, but he’s still on the payroll. This is great to see. I’m with Woz, I use an iPhone 4S and a HTC Desire Z and they’re both great. The flame wars are obnoxious. Apple’s militant stance towards Android is obnoxious. CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?

    1. Rodney said that and look at what happened in LA during that time.

    2. Much respect to you sir.  I’d do the same thing if I could afford it.  

  3. strong!

  4. I love how he gets it after Steve Jobs is dead. Steve probably would have killed him if he were alive.

    1. Woz has always love all things tech, including android.  This isn’t some blow against Apple, this is just yet another instance where Woz shows how awesome he is.  I despise all things Apple…except Steve Wozniak.  The guy is awesome.



      1. Looks like he lost some weight since the article you mentioned! Good for Woz…

    2. There was an interview with Woz a couple years back where he stated that he is a phone geek. He collects them and loves to play with them all. At the time he said the iphone was his daily driver but he liked to pick up the Android phones as well.

  5. Steve did tweet the other day “Looking into Galaxy Nexus phone but it’s probably not here yet. (@ Best Buy)” http://t.co/OR5XeiOt

    1. woz asked siri…it told him too..

  6. Woz is a publicly acknowledged fan of both Android phones and iPhones, often carrying several devices at the same time.  He’s a true gadgeteer and appreciator of any well made machinery.

  7. Insert “rolling over in grave” comment here!

    1. Et tu, Woz?

  8. woz has and always will be a true tech guy, an og tech guy imo.  open to testing and playing with gadgets is what he loves.  no surprise for me.

  9. Wasn’t he also first in line for the iphone 4S?

    1. I think he took cuts.

    2. i don’t think woz has to wait inline for apple products…. he kinda invented the first few…

      1. He dosent have to but he still does it every year to be a part of the geek crowd.

    3. I think you’re right.  I saw some pics.  

  10. Somebody’s turnin in their grave.

  11. And then he proceeded to eat the gigantic doughnut.

    Seriously though, he already told people that he has a bunch of different phone types besides the Apple one.

  12. Mmmm, Ice Cream Sandwich tastes gooder!

  13. He’s had more than a couple Androids.. Those I know of, Nexus S and Droid Charge.

  14. All I know is if I was that rich I definitely wouldn’t be fat and out of shape. I would want to be as healthy as possible so I could live a long long life to spend all my money. :)

    1. Steve Jobs was in shape :)

      1. Yea…bad shape!

        Too soon?

        1. cancer? not much he could do about that. I’ve had it and you soon realize to just enjoy life for what it is

          1. The current book about Jobs notes that his desire to control everything may have made things worse and even killed him. It suggests that when cancer first reared it head he refused the accepted treatments and was certain he could beat it himself with lifestyle changes and alternative treatments. By the time he accepted his method was not working it was too late. 

    2. hate to break it to you.alot of in shape leave their loved ones early…most important thing is to enjoy yourself.whatever life you have,whatever you enjoy doing..not people saying or telling them what they need to do to be happy,,i know alot more heavy guys who truly enjoy their lives than skinny people..like the ones committing suicide and all..but really enjoy life..granted being in some form of shape is a good thing.

  15. owned

  16. The man just appreciates technology. Its not a knock against Apple, The GN is the most advanced phone out/almost out right now. Can’t blame the man for appreciating that.

  17. As an Apple fan (not fanboy) that uses multiple Android devices, I love to see this.  The more Apples users that have Android devices means better OS X / Android support.  I always hate when there is a sweet Mac App and not native Android application to go along with it… but there is always an iPhone one.. ug.  

    For a second note, If I was a co-founder of Apple… I would have a hard time to even accept an Android device.  Being that Wozniak can accept other competing companies products …well that goes a long way.  It would just be hard to even choose an Android device with a past with Apple like his.  

    Win win article IMO.  ;)

  18. I like the idea of moving past the hostility.

  19. Woz is greatness. He got flak for getting a Nexus One when it came out too.

  20. The Woz could have bought this phone anywhere. The fact that he had it presented to him in a photo op right outside the google offices with the symbols in the background could only have been done to the insult of Apple.

    1. Don’t assign a conspiracy where there is none. Woz might not even have been uncomfortable on the Google campus before Jobs passed.  He’s a geek who loves tech… and no, he couldn’t have bought it anywhere, because he’d have to either import a European model or wait until the Verizon model ships to stores.

  21. Woz is doing what a lot of you refuse to do: he’s willing to try the ‘other side’ and appreciate the things it does right.  A good techie doesn’t turn it into a holy war.

  22. Woz, contact me, I will give you $500 for that phone!

  23. Can you feel Chris’ pain?
    @Gamercore Chris Chavez
    Alright. My week with the
    Nexus S is finally over. Was more painful than I thought it’d be. Going
    back to my Evo 3D (where I belong)

  24. That’s cool.

  25. So instead of waiting like everyone else, he decided to give google this great photo op in exchange for one. When you have the kind of money he has it is unlikely he would not have been able to obtain a nexus some other way. Believe what you like, but this was definetely done in this way in order to send a message to Apple. Extremely rich people do not have to resort to publicity stunts to get what they want.

    1. that or he was such a bad-ass and talks with Eric Schmidt from time to time and Eric said, yea i can get you one if you want it! just come down to my campus and get one. and so he did, someone snapped a photo of the occasion and he was on his way…

      i swear, people really like conspiracy stories

  26. Considering how dismissive Apple is of Android, this must hurt. I think Woz just realized that 4s he stood in line for wasn’t all that.

  27. I love this guy , he’s a real geek XD

  28. Woz just showed up because he heard a rumor that all those statues outside were real treats!

    Hes like the true to life Home Simpson. They handed him a phone and a shirt, told him to smile, snapped a few pics and left. He didnt know what to do!

  29. I knew Steve Wozniak in the 90s, he always wanted to know the latest technology, and I don’t doubt he still feels the same.

  30. Samsung: well at least we know everybody at Apple Inc. Isn’t so stupid after all

    HTC: he’s only there because they were giving out free ice cream sandwiches

    Motorola: talk about sleeping with the enemy

    Samsung: Steve Jobs is turning in his grave right now

    HTC: now ain’t that a bitch. This Guy got some balls

    LG: he might be trying to see what’s inside

    HTC: the only thing he a be looking for is something to eat

    Samsung: he probably was the first person to get the gingerbread version

    1. ??

    2. How’s the crystal meth?

      1. Your mother is doing fine. Now if you can’t take the heat, don’t stay in the sun

        1. Did you learn your proverbs and sayings from the old bartender in The Boondock Saints?

  31. I think Woz just likes cool tech, whoever it comes from.

  32. Woz has always been seen with the latest phones,
    including android phones. He is a lover of tech not brands. There was a
    bit of a “zomg” a while back when he was misquoted about saying some
    android phone was his main phone ( forget the actual phone) when what he
    really said was something along the lines he was just currently testing
    out the phone a lot. Not that it was his main phone. That honor was
    still the iphone ( at the time at least, sure it is still the same

    So this isn’t really about crossing the lines, this is about being a true lover of tech.

    Also on a side note, i thought i heard he still receives a paycheck from apple, thus works for them, but just doesn’t do anything. lol.

  33. Maybe he just liked it and wanted to use ICS, who wouldn’t he is a humang being too and he loves tech, so no biggie i say 

  34. He normally carries multiple phones. I remeber watching one interview with him where he had a Nexus One, an iPhone 4, and even an old school RAZR on him all at once.

  35. In what way does this send any sort of message to Apple? I know plenty of people who are die hard Apple users, but still enjoy other phones. Woz likes technology and the Nexus is a very nice phone. But come on.

  36. it doesn’t send any message to Apple, I think this just shows Steve Wozniak is a gadget freak and unlike most of us, can afford to buy a lot of gadgets, but still good on him for buying an android device

  37. I love to see people with an open mind like this.  Like I said above I’d definitely have both devices if I could afford it.  

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