
T-Mobile Galaxy S 4G Gets Gingerbread Update


Samsung Galaxy S 4G owners on T-Mobile have been waiting quite a while for the Gingerbread update that was promised by T-Mobile and it’s finally here. Unfortunately the update must be applied OTW (over-the-wire) via Kies Mini on a PC. Unfortunately T-Mobile doesn’t list whether or not the upgrade will be able to be applied in-store, but it couldn’t hurt to call your local store and ask. Take a look at the list below for the changes you can expect and find full instructions and download links at T-Mobile’s support site.

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Devices upgrading to T959VUVKJ6 will benefit from:

  • Android 2.3(Gingerbread)
  • Google Security Patch
  • Camera enhancements
  • Wi-Fi enhancements


Note:  The upgrade to KJ6 is NOT required.  You may opt out of the upgrade and continue using software version T959VUVKD1.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. What about the Vibrant 3G

  2. From what I’ve read, this isn’t for the vibrant, which sucks cuz that’s the phone my wife has.  I have the 4g and updated last night.  Few negatives I’ve noticed.  Pandora can’t be added as a widget, you can no longer hold the power button and toggle off 4g which sucks in my case as I mainly use wifi and like being able to switch back and forth if needed, and I it seems like the music player can’t be added as a widget either?????

  3. Wtf!!! What about us vibrant owners, we were here first! That’s why I say nexus or just from now on, google is the only reliable updater

    1. I’ve made that my decision to. Fuckers can’t update at a decent time. That will be the fall to Android.

  4. guys i wouldnt call the local store and ask.  I work for tmobile and we had no idea that the update was coming.  for the mytouch 3g update, they send up sd cards, we havent received anything for the GS update.  your best bet is to do it at your house.

  5. Thanks for supporting the 3G Vibrant ass holes!  I can’t wait to dump T-mobile.

    1. Don’t dump T-Mo, dump Samsung *on* T-Mo.  The two apparently just can’t work together (See Behold II, Froyo for Vibrant…)  T-Mo does pretty good with other manufacturers.  G2 got Gingerbread fairly quickly, MyTouch 3G and 3G Slide both got Froyo late, but near/after EOL when other carriers wouldn’t bother.

  6. The update also removes Doubletwist and Airsync. Don’t know too many people that use it but I figured I’d point that out just in case you do.

  7. fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu – its okay vibrant. you will be handed off to the woman or sold on craigslist soon enough. bastard phone.

  8. The update doesn’t work if you are using a 64 bit processor on your computer. Samsung suggests getting a new computer. Really Samsung?

    1. That is a blatant lie, I know for a fact it can be updated with a 64 bit processor. They just say that to cover their asses when their shit doesn’t work.

      Proof-Upgraded phone on Windows 7 64 Bit.

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