
Roanoke, VA Gets Verizon 4G Nov. 17th


Folks in Roanoke, VA who have been clamoring for 4G LTE can finally rest easy knowing their phones will soon be able to guzzle down extremely fast mobile data speeds. Verizon has committed to bringing the service to the area as soon as November 17th. Surrounding communities will also be in on the gluttonous fun so if you’re near Roanoke but not exactly in it, you likely have nothing to worry about. Push, Verizon, push! [IntoMobile]

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  1. Kewl

  2. The real question is…will Roanokians be christening their new 4G with a GALAXY NEXUS that day?

  3. AT&T can we get some LTE rollouts please?  San Diego by chance…

  4. Ha!!! You didn’t get LTE in SD yet???

    1. Yep Sioux Falls already has it…

  5. Getting some LTE love in rapid city on the 17th also!!!!! HELLZ YEAH!!!!!

  6. my brother-in-law and sister each get 4G in rocky mount to Roanoke VA, so i think it has happened already

  7. Its been live in Roanoke for a while. My buddy, who got the Bionic, says that Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Radford, Dublin and even more rural areas like Riner have it live as well. The New River Valley sounds like it has the goodness for the most part. They just don’t advertise it. I would have signs up all over advertising for VZW and 4G but they don’t.

  8. I live in Roanoke. We’ve had 4G for about three months now.

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