
Android Beam on Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.0) Makes NFC Truly Social [VIDEO]


Amongst a flurry of other announcements made by Google regarding Ice Cream Sandwich yesterday (today if you’re actually in Hong Kong or anywhere in Asia) was Android Beam. It’s an NFC-powered tool for sharing content with your friends.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

You can send them files, locations on maps, Android market entries from apps they’re using, websites and more simply by pressing your NFC-enabled phone against theirs. The “seamlessness” comes into play when your friend doesn’t have to take immediate action.

The Android market automatically comes up with the app your friend sent you. Google Maps will zero in on that exact location The browser will automatically load whatever websites being sent through. All of this happening without having to touch the screen is simply incredible. It’s better to show you than tell you, though, so check out our video hands-on above from the Hong Kong event.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Which HTC Devices Will See Ice Cream Sandwich Updates? HTC Issues Statement

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  1. I spy with my little eye two WHITE Galaxy Nexus phones on the photo for this article on the main page.

    1. think you need to look again. that’s the metal band that goes around the phone.

  2. I don’t know how much my NFC will be used until they start turning some of my discount/rewards cards in my wallet into virtual goodness!!

  3. Hey rob, can you pop the back off one for us?
    I was disappointed in the RAZR’s non-removable battery. Looks like I need ICS anyway but curious as to the only view I haven’t had and I don’t see where the release is for the back. Makes me worry about access to memory card too. Please don’t tell me android is going the apple route.

    1. Do we even have any confirmation of an SD card slot yet?

      1. as far as I know , there is no SD card slot
        just like the nexus S

        1. Here it is pictures of the Galaxy Nexus with the back off. There is no SD slot, just SIM card but at least a removable battery. Better then RAZR there.


  4. I like the idea but for now the other person has to have the SAME phone and be willing to smash their phones together :D

    1. I’m sure this is just signaling that we are going to see more phones with NFC. I doubt it would have to be the exact same phone.

  5. i cant wait to throw away my trash sense DINC!!

  6. Droid beam = Phoe humping (per my gf, lol)

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