
Verizon Details Droid Bionic Bugs, Update Slated for November


For all the time Motorola and Verizon took to polish their Droid Bionic, the phone did not launch without its faults. From its first days it has had its fair share of bugs and glitches, from a high-pitch squeal when using wired headphones to 4G/3G data connectivity issues. One customer experiencing problems with the Bionic contacted Verizon support about the issue. In return a full bug list was provided, detailing every known issue with the handset. While a majority of reported issues either don’t affect all users or have very minimal impact on the overall use of the Bionic, the number of bugs is still rather alarming. Also revealed is the fact that the phone does not support eight devices in hotspot mode as advertised.

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Many of these known issues are planned to be addressed in an in-the-works update. While we don’t like to put too much stock in the word of lower level customer service reps, word accompanying the bug list is that we can expect a software refresh in November. Though the timing lines up with the release of Ice Cream Sandwich, we suspect the Bionic won’t receive its serving of the frozen dessert until a much later update. For a more detailed look at the bug list, head to the source link below.

[via DroidLife]

Kevin Krause
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  1. A friend of mine just got this to escape the bugs of the Thunderbolt. Poor sod.

  2. Thats what you get for jumping into a Droid at launch. I did the same thing with the TBolt and just now after 6 months its working. good luck to all the Bionic folks.

    1. I’ve had mine for about a week now with zero problems. In fact, this phone is f**cking awesome.

    2. It’s really not that bad. The headphone pitch is the only real killer. (if it turns out to be a hardware flaw corrected by the newer batches…i will just use my warrantly to trade-in for a new one) And the battery life is actually really awesome once the battery goes thru a few charge cycles. Maybe I’ve acclimated myself to it, but I have no problem with the pentile matrix display anymore (it bothered me when I just got it). I LOVE THIS PHONE!

      1. it is a future proof device

  3. I’ve been using mine for a little over 24hours now and have no problems.

  4. Deja vu all over again. Same thing happened with the Droid X. If Motorola/Verizon keep rushing phones to market that aren’t ready for prime time, it will eventually cost them repeat customers. They’ve already lost this one.

    1. … The Bionic was rushed to market? LOL, what?

      Also, the same thing did not happen with the Droid X. It was not rushed to market and it was widely recognized as a pretty damn problem-free phone UNTIL the 2.3 update.

      1. i agree nellibly does not know what he is talking about lol

  5. yeah…once aagin I state these famous words…when you buy a phone when it first comes out…the bugs you get…is what you get…alol.

  6. So Moto spent months after months to come out with Bionic and it’s still buggy like this? Wow, this doesn’t give me any confidence to get their phones.

  7. November? Do they mean October (hopefully)?? I thought this thing was supposed to rule all machines or some shit.

    1. Love that second sentence, seriously did lol.

  8. Some of those bugs may be real. I just had a little of the headphone squeal today. However some of these are completely false. I’m running touchdown on my device with 0 issues.

    1. It said right in the article that not all of the bugs affect every device. That would also be common sense.

  9. The headphone issue and the 4g/3g issue are the only one I’ve noticed. Out of those, the 4g/3g is one that you can resolve in the blink of an eye (in my experience). That being said, I have absolutely no regrets about buying this phone. It’s exceeded my expectations across the board.

  10. Why blame motorola, blame Verizon. Didn’t some of the same issues occur with the tbolt? Are there not issues with the charge also? I think there are going to be growing pains with each carrier as they roll out their lte service but I think all in all Verizon has had more issues with more phones than the other carriers, might be because they roll out phones pretty fast or that their customer base is bigger. Not really sure, but i’m happy for now with att although Verizon has better coverage in areas such as where my dad lives, but where i’m at i’m fine for now unless if Verizon is the only carrier that gets the prime.

  11. Seriously?!?!?!?!?

    4. Issue: Non-branded Chargers:

    * The XT875 can only be charged with Motorola or Verizon Wireless branded chargers.
    * Action: No work around required.
    * Resolution: No resolution required, working as designed and approved by Verizon Wireless.

  12. This one is pretty big too…

    Issue: SIM Swapping Blocks OTA Updates:

    * In another provisioned SIM is inserted into the XT875 and original SIM is reinserted, the device will not get any OTA updates.
    * Action: The user will need to perform a factory reset to get OTA updates.
    * Resolution: A fix for this issue is under review and will be included in the first post launch maintenance release software for this device. The tentative release date is early November 2011.

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