You and I both know by now that Google’s betting on the future of the mobile web, probably more than anyone. Their desire to create a lush mobile web applications ecosystem shines through in their latest shot at a programming language.
Dart is supposed to be a structured web language that will heavily appeal to developers making mobile applications alongside nice desktop applications. While details on it are pretty light right now, we can’t imagine it won’t work together with Google’s Go language to create an even more flexible environment for developers.
The problem with mobile web apps vs native apps is that people think web apps simply aren’t fast enough, but that’s sure to be a focus with Dart once Google does announce it.
I don’t know how long it’ll take the mobile web to unseat native applications, but Google believes that unseating will certainly happen. We should be getting an announcement on October 10th. [Engadget]
Details are grim?
: of a sinister or ghastly character;
I don’t think he was questioning the definition of the word, just the usage of it in this context. I’m not a programmer by any means, so I’m not up to speed on the current language and “what’s hot”, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard of Dart. And since it’s still apparently in development by Google, not much is known about it. Therefore “While details are…”: scarce, slim, lacking, sparse, paltry, etc. These are what I think the Quentyn was going for…
Yeah I was jokin. He changed it though.
Not sure that the details are “grim”, that would imply the details are describing something that is not good. Details are “thin” might be more appropriate.
Basically as soon as web apps outseat native apps, does that mean android becomes/merges into ChromeOS?
I like that idea if it works as great as they say it will be, however I do hope that by that time the coverage and internet speeds have improved a LOT and that data access requires significantly less power
or sparse
I’m all for anything that will bring death to JavaScript. Will be interesting to see what development strategy Microsoft proposes during their Build conference. Especially since WP7 is based on Silverlight development but MS is clearly all things HTML5 for Win8 (they are still going to support SL and other legacy .Net apps i.e. WinForms, etc. but I think its safe to say they are going to start recommending HTML5 for new Win 8 tablet style apps). And then contrast all of that to Dart. I have to admit though it would be very nice to be able to use one language for both web and desktop but I hope Dart tackles the whole “cross platform” thing also. One source code to rule them all!
I dont know enough about this subject to give any info. I just see Google growing too big for its own good. I dont want to see all of there products suffer due to outreaching there boundries
in light of other existing “cross-platform” solutions such as Adobe’s AS/Flex/AIR which allow for cross-compilation or VM-encased execution on just about every major desktop and mobile OS (including iOS), I’m not sure how Google would be able to acheive the same without a similar strategy.