
Motorola DROID Bionic Full Retail Pricing Revealed


If you were some of the unlucky few who found yourself without an upgrade but were still looking to pick up Motorola’s latest DROID Bionic on launch day, we now have an idea on just how much the device will cost you full price. Thanks to an AndroidCentral tipster who received shipments of the device in their Verizon store today, pricing of the Bionic will only set you back a measly $587 to get the latest piece of Motorola gadgetry including but not limited to, a 4.3-inch display, 8MP camera, TI’s OMAP4 processor and full access to Verizon’s 4G LTE service.

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I would speculate on the upgrade price but given the fact that most high end phones usually release at $600 and feature various subsidized pricing, there’s really no telling. Since this will be Verizon’s premier 4G LTE device, I would be wager more along the $300 range. So what do you guys think? Anyone going to pick up this bad boy full price?

[Via AndroidCentral]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Looks like that price is for 2

    1. 2 for $1,174. So $587 for 1

      1. People that say fail are retarded. The 587 price is for 1, which is why it says unit price

  2. Has there been a launch date announced for the Bionic? My girlfriend is getting this as her 1st smartphone :)

  3. Thats full retail though. All smart phones are about $600 full retail. It will start at $299 on new contract, then a week later Amazon, wirefly, costco and best buy will have it BOGO and $199 because no one is buying the dam thing.

  4. I just recieved an insurance payout from my broken Droid Charge from Squaretrade. I think I’m going to use the 580 bucks from the insurance to go ahead an purchase this instead of another Charge. I have another upgrade getting ready to come up so after the holiday seasons release of the GSII, Vigor, Droid HD I can upgrade to one of those around Christmas and pass down the Bionic to my sister. Win win.

    1. How does squaretrade work? Having too many problems with the Charge

  5. Wow not bad to be honest but saving my pennies for the HTC Vigor

  6. Gonna wait for some ICS on a Droid HD (hopefully).

  7. Getting this one at discount, but I probably won’t wait 20 months for the next great thing. Will probably get whatever at 10 months to a year from now at full price, then get the one after that at discount 20 to 24 months from now, etc, etc, etc, etc,….

    Basically every other phone at discount, and every other phone at full price.

    They are just changing tooooooo fast to wait 20 months between phones, ya know….

    1. That’s exactly what I do

  8. I didn’t read the article at first but my eye wandered to the price of 1,000 dollars+ and i was like wtf haha but then i noticed it was 587. THat makes sense

    Way too early in the morning

  9. No way is that the retail price, I could see $599, but not an odd number like that.

  10. Hrm. If the retail is going to be less than $600, and Verizon is charging a $350 ETF, this had better not cost more than $250 at retail.

  11. Where is this $600 full retail price thing coming from? Is that a Verizon thing? Because most high-end phones on T-Mobile retail for $450-$500.

  12. if it’s 500$ price range then it’s going to be 249$ like all their over price 4G phones

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