
Verizon May Not Have LTE SIM Cards In Time for Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G Launch


Well, this isn’t good. Looks like Verizon is experiencing delays when it comes to those fancy new 4G LTE micro SIM cards that were supposed to arrive in time for the 4G enabled Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 launch tomorrow. You can only imagine what a customer service nightmare this could turn into. Verizon sent out this memo to Verizon stores instructing them on to handle this delicate situation and worse case scenario, the 4G SIM cards aren’t available at launch. Prospective customers will have to order both the Tab and SIM cards though Verizon’s direct-fulfillment where both items will be sent straight to their home. For month-to-month data customers, these guys will have to purchase the Tab in-store then wait for Verizon to mail the micro SIM card via FedEx.

Not exactly how Verizon anticipated the launch of arguably, one of the best 4G tablets on the market. Either way, this is nowhere near as bad as the Motorola Xoom 4G fiasco where those owners will have to have to ship their Xooms out just to get their devices some 4G LTE. At least Samsung Galaxy Tab owners will still be able to claim “firsties.”

UPDATE: Here are some pics PhoneArena managed to snag of the incoming 4G Certified Galaxy Tab 10.1’s and micro SIM arriving today at Verizon retail stores.

[Via PhoneArena and Droid-Life]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Verizon sure is doing well with 4G tablets-
    Oh wait.

  2. Got my(Well my mom’s) Tab from FedEx today, SIM card and all

    1. Did you get a confirmation of shipping from Verizon in the last two days? I preorderd mine on June 29th and it still shows processing when I check the order status. When I called, they said that everything looked good and that it should ship out but still no Galaxy Tab.

  3. Xoom x2

  4. Can’t wait to see how well the sales of this tablet do. I don’t much care for the term iPad-killer, because the iPad will always be a good seller, as is anything from Apple, but I personally think if any single Android tablet were to have a good chance at challenging the iPad for market share, this would be the one. Samsung has done a great job marketing it, so now we’ll see what kind of sales numbers result from it.

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