
Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro Passes the FCC


One of the most powerful smallish devices has hit the FCC, keyboard and all. It’s the Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro, a 2.8 inch device with a front-facing camera, a full slide-out QWERTY keyboard and a 1GHz processor. The radios inside suggest this one is for European markets, mainly. This seems to be at least one phone that Sony Ericsson can get out on time. Let’s hope it helps their failing financial performance. [Engadget]

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  1. Why anyone would make or buy anything other than a dual core device at this point is beyond me. I guess they will be paying less and they will be getting what they pay for.

    1. Even though Android doesn’t support dual-cores and wont until Ice Cream Sandwich?? Single-cores still have a market.

  2. The keyboard DOES look really nice though!

    1. The keyboard IS really nice! I absolutely loved this device for the little time I got my hands on it. Even though the screen is small, the whole phone is small to match.
      I hope this bring this to the US..

  3. Hi, I just preordered this fabolous device at amazon.de (Germany). I just want to know 3 facts about the specs.

    1. Is there a status Led which shows me missed calls?
    2. How is battery life?
    3. It has 320 MB Internal Storage… does it mean that I am limited in installing apps? Or can I install everything on the SD – card?

    Maybe someone knows these facts?

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