
2 Philly Newspapers To Begin Selling Subsidized Android Tablets


Now that is some outside the box thinking. Thanks to the internet as a major news source many newspapers today are facing the same problem; evolve or die. In a last remaining effort to gain new subscribers, two Philly papers, The Philadelphia Enquirer and its sister paper the Philadelphia Daily News, are are bringing their old business model into the 21st century by offering paid digital content — here’s the catch — on subsidized Android tablets.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

It actually reminds me a lot of wireless carriers and the business model we’re seeing today. Subscribe to a service, receive a discounted device. These discounted tablets will be offered to you when you sign up for a 1- 2-year daily subscription and when combined with the price of the hardware, should only equal about half off their full retail price. These tablets will come pre-loaded with digital versions of both newspapers and in the spirit of Google, will sell e-commerce ads right on the homescreen.

Details remain quite scarce at the moment as far as pricing and no manufacturers have been announced, although they did mention it would be an Android tablet currently on the market today. Motorola Xoom, perhaps?

It’s tough to persuade someone into subscribing to anything let alone a paid digital news service that the internet already offers for free. Hopefully, this is the start of a new trend. Why Google never offered their own subsidized Android super tablet to undercut the iPad, gain a huge customer base of app buying consumers, all the while enticing developers into their app Market is anyone’s guess. Always thought that would have been a good idea but I’m just a poor Mexican.

[Via AdWeek]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Whoo! Go poor mexicans! I thought I was the only one :D

  2. Google needs to get off their ass and do something similar. Otherwise they’re going to lose all their damn business to Amazon.

    Make a $200 tablet with no contract. Get NY Times, hell even Scholastic for your kids and slap dem ads all over.

    1. If I could “like” this comment 20 times, I would. xD

  3. If I laugh while reading the post (laughing with of course) then I know its Chris. Heh heh… You write like me. Gotta add humor. LoL!! I turned in an essay that had my teacher laughing. LoL!! :P

    But that aside, this is pretty interesting. I think this will target the people that try and get the new devices even though they’re old and stuff and still read newspapers. So they’ll get this tryna look cool. LoL!! It’s pretty smart. Imagine this at airports instead of newspapers. Hmm…

  4. Philadelphia Inquirer, not Philadelphia Enquirer

  5. being from philly…i welcome this :)

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