MiscTips & Tricks

Google+ Enhancer (Web) Script Adds Unread Count Labels for Gmail, Reader and Calendar ala G+ Notifications


This isn’t quite Android, but a new tool for Google+ users has cropped up in the form of a custom script for browsers. It’s called Google+ Enhancer and will add unread item counts to the Reader, Calendar and Gmail links on your Google top bar. It looks identical to the notification indicator for Google+. It’s simple, but something I’m sure many – myself included – will find very useful. It’s available for Firefox using Greasemonkey, but can also be implemented in using their respective script managers. Link to the script page is here, while more information on installation is here. [Lifehacker]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Pretty awesome. Now if I could get onto the thing I’d actually be interested in reading all these “enhancements” and “updates” to Google+.

    1. Don’t bother..I’m sure nobody you know is on it anyway..I don’t even bother to log in to it anymore.

      1. After the what, week you’ve been on it? You’re talking as if you’ve been on it for years…

        1. Two weeks…Still doesn’t change the fact that the chances any friends are on are probably almost zero.

          1. Well if you dont want to use it can you send an invite my way…

            rshepard82 at gmail

          2. I’ve ben on it for a week now and still only have 4 friends that have been able to get on. I have made about 200 new “friends” that I’m learning tons of interesting stuff from, so I’m using G+ for a totally different purpose now. It will take about a year for G+ to figure out what it really is to people, like Twitter and FB did.

      2. Just wait for the public opening. Now it’s for tester only, what did you expect?

  2. who’s ben btw?

    1. everyone knows Ben!! you know ben…aka Obi-Wan Kenobi

  3. This could be what takes me away from iGoogle. Any idea if/how this works with Chrome?

  4. dam we need this thing on chrome! great that its on Firefox but if you’re all googled up (and android) surely you use chrome as your default browser!

  5. doesn’t work well with chrome. fail.

  6. No Chrome, no thanks.

  7. Works fine on Opera :)

  8. can anyone spare an invite? [email protected]

  9. if the black bar always show on the top of my screen that will be better. Then you don’t need to roll my up to click the button on the bar.

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