
Amazon Reportedly Has a Family of Devices Coming, Not Just a Lone Tablet


Rumors about an Amazon tablet have been flying around for a VERY long time. Over that period of time, a lot of pieces have fallen into place. Amazon opened their own Android Appstore and produced compelling new Android applications like Amazon Cloud Player. They hired Android coders, and while some of that team may have been dedicated to getting their Appstore live, other evidence showed they were hiring hardware engineers with an Android background. And a few credible sources have confirmed that Amazon is indeed working on “the next generation of Kindle” devices.

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And yet, even with all of this compelling evidence, we know nothing about the tablet itself. Taylor from Android & Me claims a credible source told him that it won’t be just one single tablet, but a stable of devices. That could mean anything – from a number of tablets to a mixture of tablets and smartphones – but he alleges there is definitely more than one. It feels like we’re getting closer and closer to an unveiling, but there’s no telling how far along their plans are.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1.  I was telling everyone I know that cared that Amazon was going to create an Android Device over three months ago.  Glad to know I saw around that corner.

  2.  This could be interesting. If Amazon does get into the phone side of Android, I would love to see them release a high-specced vanilla phone. The reason I, in particular, like vanilla android isn’t so much for the look of the thing, because I always put my own (or someone else’s) theme on it. It is also a heck of a lot easier to bring updates for vanilla phones, and they generally have the some of the best dev-community support because you’re working with something of a “blank slate” so to speak. Now I am wondering; if they do indeed get into the phone side of things, who is going to be the carrier(s)? I’m also wondering if Amazon has any special offerings for their Prime customers in mind. That would be nice, since I’ve been using Prime for well over a year (if you order a fair amount of stuff stuff online, believe me, it is well worth the $70 or $80/year). As always, time will tell, I look forward to seeing where Amazon goes with this.

    1. I wouldn’t count on it. They’re going straight up against Google here–they’re own app store, their own books platform, their own music platform. I’d be surprised if the google market is included at all. They’re probably going to totally differentiate it from google’s android ecosystem and thus customize the hell out of it ala the nook. I don’t think this is good for the android community as a whole–it’s more fragmentation–but I think Amazon is looking to attract current kindle users who want to move to a true tablet.

      1.  I agree with you in that they are going up against Google in more than one area, just as Google and Facebook are in a major pissing match now as well – especially over Google’s new “social circle”. I would actually be surprised if Amazon got into the phone end. They’re basically in the tab game already via the Nook. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds in the coming months. I wholeheartedly agree that fragmentation is an issue, and that is something where Google really needs to step up to the plate and flex a little muscle. I’ve said for a long time that Google should require every carrier who wants to carry Android phones (everybody) that they should be required to carry a Nexus phone as well – you know, one that isn’t encrypted and chock-full of bloatware, botherware, and other miscellaneous junk that you need to root to get rid of and gets its updates in a timely manner rather than a year down the road, if ever.

        1. Amazon doesn’t make the Nook! 

          1. You’re right, I had a brain fart. The Nook is Barnes and Noble’s thing. I always get those e-reader tablets mixed up. 

          2. I guess there’s no use trying to remember it if you don’t use one! 

  3.  Taylor is back? Nice.

  4. If done right in the mobile space with a propper hi-end phone they can corner the market. they already sell everything stupi cheap….the real deal closer would be that it works accross all carriers.  Amazon will win all the way to the bank  

    1. Agreed. They have one major advantage over all other manufacturers, which is the same advantage Apple has over Android manufacturers, and that is the ecosystem. A great music store (with streaming ability), great movie store (with renting ability and they give out free movies often), a great eBook/audiobook store (possibly even the best), their own app store. Having integration like that is an advantage (one example, Amazon gift cards would be like iTunes gift cards only better since Amazon sells way more things).

      If it includes access to the Google Market and Google services, THEN it could possibly be the best Android device on the market (as Google services are killer).

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