
Samsung Infuse 4G to Be Offered for $30 Off Starting May 12th, Says Costco Coupon Book


We suspect that Samsung and AT&T event later today will be a launch event for the Samsung Infuse 4G, but all we have to go on is the fact that AT&T has yet to announce a release date for the phone. (And because they didn’t really give us ample time to plan to get there.) A new coupon book from Costco lists the device as being offered for $30 less than subsidized retail price starting May 12th, though, which lends credence to our suspicions being true. Other discounts include up to $150 off of Verizon’s DROID 2 and up to $250 off of T-Mobile’s G2x. [Thanks Lukas!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Awesomeness!

  2. That means G2x for $149 also. Plus free car charger, case and bluetooth.

  3. Hopefully it doesn’t get delayed and has to sit on the shelf like the Droid Charge.

  4. It should actually be cheaper than $149. It’s that price now without the Costco coupon.

    1. Hopefully, but $399.99 Costco “retail” price – $250 is $149.99

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