
Angry Birds to Sync Your Progress Across All Platforms Soon; New Easter Update Screenshots


Looks like Rovio’s heard enough complaints of users losing their Angry Birds progress after device failures, new phones, or if they just want to take their gaming to a different platform. They’re said to be introducing a sync feature soon that’ll let you pick up where you left off. Broke your phone and had to get a replacement? No problem. Switching to Symbian or iOS and want to play there? You’ll be able to do that. That’s what “the plan” is, anyway, but it’s all subject to technological feasibility. We’re sure Rovio can pull it off, though. [via Droid Gamers]

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In related news, check out a screen from the upcoming Seasons update to celebrate Easter. Bunny ears? Colored eggs? Of course! More at PocketGamer.

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  1. 1st

    1. clown

  2. I’m kinda burned out on this game. The movie also looks terrible.

  3. for rooted users, there’s always Titanium Backup. I use it frequently since I’ve been beta testing the nightly CM7 builds.

  4. this game is overhyped and too repetitive

  5. This has been called for a while. Looks like a cloud play. Hopefully more games can follow this approach especially since the turnover rate on new phones are becoming the norm. New device = losing my starrrs!

  6. AMEN! That’s the only reason I don’t have Angry Birds on my phone. After replacing my POS MyTouch4G for the 3rd time I got tired of having to re-beat the levels.

    Hope they can do this soon!

    1. me too, its on my phone still but i havent played it. having to start over everytime my phone is replaced or factory reset started to suck so i just gave up

  7. Titanium Backup doesn’t help when switchign between Froyo and Gingerbread ROMs :(

    1. Of course it helps. You can restore apps with data across any update. Only thing you can’t restore is system data, and angry birds saves don’t fall under that category.

  8. Maybe instead of this, they could make their game not crash after I restart a level? You know, both the original and the Seasons?

    Maybe they could make the ads not interfere with actual gameplay?

    Maybe then I want to play enough to care that my progress is saved.

    1. Maybe you should not be such a cheap-a$$ and actually pay the 99 CENTS for the ad-free version? Or maybe you should upgrade your POS phone so it doesn’t crash when you try to play angry birds.

      No one cares what you think. Go play in traffic.

      1. Haha wow, bunch of assholes on this site I guess.

  9. Yeah, how about a long while too late on this one. I had 3 stars complete on the original all levels & Rio…now I have NOTHING.

  10. Thank goodness. I was getting really sick of having to play all the levels twice. Once for my XOOM and again for my Droid2.

    1. I’m with you. I’d actually prefer to play it on my tablet now, but I’ll be damned if I’m going through and 3 starring all the levels across all three games again.

  11. i didn’t even know that there was a game called Angry Birds! XD

  12. “all platforms”?
    doubt it.

    still waiting for an update of the PSP/PS3 version, it has large drops in framerate and golden eggs tend to crash it.

  13. if you are rooted you can download a free app from the market to save and backup angry birds. I have done it several times it works fine. just search save angry birds. Its a no brainer.

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