
Exclusive Leaks: They’re Not Easy To Get!


Inside scoops, exclusive info, leaked pics: these are the tidbits that spell blogging gold. Phandroid works hard to bring our readers exclusive content, but it’s the anonymous tipsters who TRULY deserve an outstanding amount of credit. When one reliable and anonymous source was recently asked if they had anything new, they responded:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

“I’m trying.. literally like a stalker up in this ##### … I’m like trying to get little kids in my van except they’re not kids they are phones”

Hilarious… and we think it speaks volumes about the passion of Android enthusiasts in general. We want to take a minute to thank ALL of our awesome tipsters – both those who graciously take credit and the anonymous ninjas lurking in the shadows of the night – for being huge contributors to Phandroid and the greater Android community craving the latest inside information ASAP.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Samsung Stealth Caught Working in the Wild

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  1. Its all good, Phandroid has always been my favorite Android website.

  2. yeah, Phandroid’s good anyway :)


  4. “Inside scoops, exclusive info, leaked pics: these are the tidbits that spell blogging gold. ”

    I want me gold!

  5. All I am concerned with is the shipdate/carrier/price of the Galaxy SII. I have heard practically nothing about this phone since it was shown at WMC last month. I am at the end of my At&t contract and I really want to check this thing out in person.

  6. Props to anyone that can get news out early about anything android, it’s why we’re all here and I visit phandroid many times a day to see the latest scoops, keep up the good work.

  7. I love GOLD! The smell of it… The texture…

  8. It’s a flipping phone…..You guys really need to get a life.

  9. More info on the HTC Pyramid pleeeeease!Pictures would be nice :)

  10. @Tguy its not just a phone its a way of life!! O_O

  11. @Tguy then why the heck are you here?? lol

  12. It’s more than just a phone, it’s an entertainment hub. And for someone like me who’s ready to make the jump to a smartphone that he’s probably going to use for a couple years, I can’t wait for the Galaxy S II to be available.

  13. Matt and Zomby I have a SGS…run and run far when it comes to Samsung phones. Samsung is pathetic when it comes to software upgrades. Don’t let the nice screen cloud your judgement, don’t believe me??, just Google Froyo upgrades for fascinate, captivate and epic.

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