
Cobra iRadar Coming to Android in Early 2011


For the poor man there are apps like Trapster to help you locate speed traps and red light cameras, but for those who are serious about breaking the law and getting by, there is the Cobra iRadar system. Recently launched for iPhone, the software/hardware combo is coming to Android. It will be demoed at CES with an early 2011 launch window at a price of $170.

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The system uses Bluetooth to connect your phone to the actual radar detector, and then all monitoring, adjustments, and alerts are handled through your Android handset. Pretty cool, and definitely a better spent $170 than a couple speeding tickets. Full release below.

Cobra iRadar™ System for Android™ to Launch in Early 2011

Revolutionary Detection System Works with Android-based Smartphones to Alert Drivers to Radar/Laser Guns, Speed/Red Light Cameras, and Other Road Hazards

CHICAGO, IL- November 15, 2010 – Cobra Electronics Corporation (NASDAQ: COBR), the leading manufacturer of radar detection devices, today announced the expansion of its Cobra iRadar product line with the development of Cobra iRadar for Android. The Cobra iRadar for Android will debut at the upcoming International Consumer Electronics Show, January 6 – 9, 2011 in Las Vegas, NV in the Cobra booths #9845 and #4135.

The initial version of the Cobra iRadar system, which is compatible with iPhone® and iPod Touch® models, was launched last month and has been well received both nationally and globally. Recently, Cobra iRadar received three awards at the SEMA Show as well as being named a 2011 CES Innovations Award Honoree earlier this week.
“We are very excited to make the Cobra iRadar system available to Android users, who now represent over one-third of the smartphone market,” said Sally Washlow, senior vice president of marketing and sales for Cobra Electronics. As Ms. Washlow pointed out, between the two operating systems Cobra iRadar will be accessible to a significant majority of U.S. smartphone users.

The iRadar system uses Bluetooth® wireless technology to connect the smartphone to the detector. The smartphone’s display is then used to control the detector’s settings and show alerts. As a result, the Cobra iRadar Detection System enables motorists to view, hear and log alerts for radar/laser guns as well as upcoming speed/red light cameras and other potential hazards.

The free Cobra iRadar App includes Cobra’s exclusive AURATM Camera and Driving Hazard Database, which enables drivers to receive alerts for speed and red light camera locations as well as other driving hazards.
Cobra iRadar for Android will have a manufacturer suggested retail price of $169.95 and be available at retailers nationwide and at The Cobra iRadar app, along with the AURA database, will be available for free from the Android Market. This new system will begin shipping the first quarter of 2011.
For more information on the Cobra iRadar Detection System, visit

About Cobra Electronics

Cobra Electronics is a leading global designer and marketer of communication and navigation products, with a track record of delivering innovative and award-winning products. Building upon its leadership position in the GMRS/FRS two-way radio, radar detector and Citizens Band radio industries, Cobra identified new growth opportunities and has aggressively expanded into the marine market and has expanded its European operations. The Consumer Electronics Association, Forbes and Deloitte & Touche have all recognized Cobra for the company’s innovation and industry leadership. To learn more about Cobra Electronics, please visit the Cobra site at Follow Cobra on Twitter at or become a fan at

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  1. This is cool because you could create a ‘real time’ map of speed traps if users allow the data to be sent back to a server that hosts the data. pretty cool implications long term. I hope they have an api for communicating with the hardware.

  2. Will be interesting to see how it works out. Any test mules out there?

  3. I think this is a waste of money. I sold radar detectors for years online and here is the problem: Cobra is not that good. Also, if you get hit with laser it’s too late. Once your car gets tagged with a laser gun you are already getting a ticket. The laser gun pinpoints the vehicle since they are pointing the gun right at you. Also, as far as detection, cobra is one of the worst. The only three brands I would trust are Beltronics, Escort and possibly Valentine. The only thing I can think of worse would be Rocky Mountain Radar. And for laser protection, get a Blinder Laser Jammer.

    Do not buy this just because it works with your Android phone or you will be disappointed.

  4. lol – cobra has saved numerous friend’s of mine’s asses from getting a ticket.

    The other three do slightly better, and all of them have confirmed the same thing – being careful about your driving says more than a radar detector does.

    meanwhile, as indicated by others, having them linked to android has huge implications for radar spotting.

  5. I currently have this for my iphone. it works great. I’m just hoping when the android version comes out, i wont need to upgrade to a different one. i hope it will still work because all it does is connects with bluetooth.

  6. Sure radar sucks at pick up laser, radar etc…. But if this system does what it COULD do, set up a nework of these that would warn everyone in the network of speed traps. You theoretically wouldn’t even need a speed detection device at all and just rely on all the people who do, to map out all the speed traps in front of you before you reach them. The problem is getting a large enough installed base of these type items. I think someone should come out with a system that could be sold to every radar detector company as an add-on that would allow all radar detectors to talk to each other and warn each other of speed traps. Then you wouldn’t have to actually rely on getting tagged with a gun, you would know the gun was there miles away.

  7. Useless here in KC. Red light cams have to have signage warning you that it is coming up. The police all use laser, which as Joe says, once you hear the warning, it’s too late. The days of the radar detector are over. Even instant on radar makes this stuff useless.

  8. Um, will this still alert me if I have Google Nav up and running while I’m playing music from the music player?

  9. if your playing music thru usb, its not going to work as it won’t allow bluetooth and usb music playback. it will alert you as long as its connected to bluetooth on the radar. i just hope i can use my existing one with android because im going to get the nexus s and dont want to pay for another one :(

  10. 170$ for a app? Ha can’t wait to use google to pirate the app

  11. Don’t but cobra radar detectors!!! If you want a good detector there are only three manufactures you should trus as stated above. Beltronics, Escort or Valentine 1. They are more expensive, but you get what you pay for. Don’t buy this just because it works with you phone the detection on Cobra radar detectors absolutly suck!!! Check out if you don’t believe me

  12. Cobra is horrendously inaccurate among radar detectors. Escort and Bel (same company) and Valentine One are the only units worth buying.

    That being said no radar detector is going to protect you against laser. You need a jammer for that and they’re not cheap. Instant On radar is tough also but at least if there is traffic ahead of you a ways…these detectors will save you.

    I like the concept and maybe Cobra has improved. Well probably know since radar detectors are rarely tested and compared by car magazines or anyone else anymore. Not sure why…

  13. @Dave: So you’re going to pirate the hardware that comes with it as well?

  14. @dave… the app is free, the bluetooth radar unit is $170. if you can pirate hardware from google i will be impressed.

  15. Daves not here!

    Ummm, it’s not just an app Dave, but an app with a bluetooth device that does the detection. Have fun pirate man! let me know how that goes.

    That said, $170 for a device that detects – and some software on my $500 phone? Does sound steep. Always wondered why Escort and the like didn’t jump in and do this – especially with google maps integration and web data – I don’t need the detector, I need YOU to have it.

  16. Here’s a video from Cobra demonstrating….

  17. I find it funny that the guy who was excited about pirating made himself look like a complete idiot. Sounds about right.

  18. @Dave as others have said its not just an application its a radar detector that you are buying. $170 is also the retail and you will find these selling for $99.95 to $129.95 in the street.

    Cobra radar detectors have come a long way and the iRadar is a very advanced unit but Cobra does have one disadvantage and that is its sensitivity. Of all the major brands it offers the least amount of time to react when a radar alert goes off.

    Check out Best Radar Detector if you are seriously looking for radar detector information. If you look at their recommendations you will notice not one is a Cobra unit unfortunately.

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