
Introducing Android 2.3: Official Gingerbread Announcement Video Live on YouTube, SDK Released


Wowee wow wow! The AndroidDevelopers YouTube channel just gave us the sweetest treat ever. Live now is the official announcement video of Gingerbread (Android 2.3) giving us the rundown of everything new in the latest Android OS update. We want to take some time to soak it in and gather our thoughts, but watch it now and chime in for yourselves (bonus Nexus S footage within). Gaming, multimedia, near field communication — is there any doubt remaining that this is getting showed off later today?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Oh, and did we mention the SDK was released, too? Head on over to the Android Developers Android 2.3 page to get the full rundown.

Kevin Krause
Pretty soon you'll know a lot about Kevin because his biography will actually be filled in!

New HTC Desire Firmware Update Available (2.29.405.2)

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  1. I knew it !

  2. So much for just cosmetic updates, this looks like a monster of a build. Looks like the Nexus S is legit as well.

    And now the mind numbing wait begins. Hopefully the G2 won’t take too long.

  3. Cant wait for 2.3 on my nexus one

  4. I love the looks of this New 2.3 but… I am still not with NFC’s I mean for accessing important information anyways but all else is perfect now just show me a release date for the NS and I will be even happier :)

  5. stupid work blocks youtube…:(

  6. They sure want to seem game friendly, eh?

  7. sweet jesus!!!

  8. i already have this on my g2. i got an ota last friday, and everything seems to work well, but i have no clue how i got it. no one else on the web seems to have gotten it yet. it looks great tho

  9. Getting the SDK. :)

  10. @ George use ur ANDROID handset homie

  11. It just got better, again.

  12. The NFC guy looks scary as anything, but yeah, looks nice.

  13. I like the second dude’s T-shirt

  14. How long before we can get some type of functioning Rom out of this?

  15. So, about that NFC chip, looks like they already put it to use!

  16. The video no longer works.

  17. How wonderful………..how sad that I still have yet to get 2.1….or 2.2 on my Fender

  18. Great updates! I’ll have to look into the low latency Audio RIGHT NOW!

  19. Yet I still don’t have 2.2 for my Galaxy S (Captivate).

  20. The Nexus S is live on Google’s page, for tmobile. Not that I’m excited, but I know some of you will be. I just want some Gbread on my Evo!

  21. Nexus S available Dec.16 at Best Buy.

  22. did google just feel like giving everything away today!

  23. This is nice and all, but how about some 2.2 or even 2.3 love for the vibrant? I would imagine the software devs at samsung have been working on this, thus the delays for 2.2 on the damn thing, but the specs (cept for the goofy RFID stuff) are almost that of the vibrant… just skip 2.2 and jump us all to 2.3 pls kthx bai.

  24. Come on, the swedish website is faster then you http://www.google.com/nexus

  25. Pfft piece of crap samsung, the Fascinate was my first and last samsung phone.

  26. Now my Droid X has outdates software…again..but thats ok Gingerbread looks sweet (pun intended)

  27. charles your full of shit LOL. good try tho ^_^

  28. I hope Gingerbread is rolled out to vanilla devices soon.

  29. so….now it’s time to sit and wait for all the carriers to play catch up ANNNND release some gingerbread phones just in time for honey comb to come out.

  30. Now its time to set and wait for Cyanogen to bring all of us that Gingerbread love way before any carrier root your phone if you can’t stand to wait. And I am retiring my G2 until it gets ported and pulling out my NEXUS ONE.

  31. Have they finally addressed the massive issues with the JIT performance? Their site hasn’t really said a whole lot about that. FroYo’s JIT is nice but it’s still a far cry from what you can get on NDK, what with the lack of method inlining and a decent optimizer.

  32. i hope that sprint gets 2.3 out on the evo 1st like they did with 2.2.

  33. @gokartracer5 – Well stop being a pussy and install it.

  34. I want them Android shirts.

  35. Will my HTC Desire get the Gingerbread update??

  36. Im expecting long wait for samsung devices. Boooooo

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