
Huawei Ascend: $150 Android With No Contract


First-time Android owners might not need all the bells and whistles of a high-end phone and with the Huawei Ascend you’ll get almost none of them. But what you will get is a highly adequate device at an extremely cheap price point: the Ascend is only $150 without any need for a contract or limb amputations or anything else – just fork over the green.

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According to Engadget, the Huawei Ascend is a plasticky phone that features an unimpressive 3.5-inch HVGA screen, 3.5mm headset jack, MicroSD slot, and a 3.2MP camera. Impressively it’s running a 9-screen home panel with Android 2.1 – nice touch. The Huawei Ascend should be available in the next couple weeks.

In the below video they also show off the Huawei Crosswave device which is essentially a Wi-Fi hotspot in addition to the Ascend:

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Can’t really complain for the price. Its $150 what does anyone really it expect it to do? lol

    Its great for the price.

  2. The specs make it better than an HTC Magic by quite a way!

  3. nice alternative to an iPod Touch! If these were available a year ago, I would own three of these (Wife and 2 kids) instead of Touch’s and we could all share apps on the same platform. (With my Droid…)

  4. Can it be modded or is it as crippeled as the latest htc and moto phines?

  5. this phone is for cricket?when does it come out.I have never heard of Huawei at all.

  6. This looks awesome!

  7. “Ascend is a plasticky phone that features an unimpressive 3.5-inch HVGA screen, 3.5mm headset jack, MicroSD slot, and a 3.2MP camera.”

    You just described my Rogers HTC magic… but I don’t have 3.5mm headset jack.

  8. I want to know when does this cell phone come out. I know they said by mid-october but can you be more specific

  9. What about the processor? What speed? That’s what’s really important and yet not a peep!

  10. I work at Cricket…and this will help bring in more and more of the $$$$ for me right before the holidays!!!!

  11. it kinda looks like it might be a little fatter than it should,but it looks fatter than the evo :0

  12. im getting this phone next week, i went and looked at it and its really nice. not fat at all and has a slim design.. i really like it.. just i wonder why its more cheaper then the other android they have. and this one is more nice..

  13. David- I’ve been wondering too why this phone is cheaper than the kyocera zio that cricket sells. You said it, the phone is better comparatively especially when you talk about the access to the android market. I understand that the zio access the 1.6 android market and this accesses 2.1 and the most recent market on phones out there is the 2.2 market. I’ll be getting this phone Oct 27th and while cricket does sell somewhat cheaper phones they still have awesome deals for service.

  14. Wow this phone is the shizzle im actually posting this from it right, now and I must say for the price and foe cricket this phone,is,amazing the plastic is smooth and,feels really good in my hands,almost like an iphone 3g if I had,to compaRe this phone to another id say its alot like the samsung vibrante I reacently had the htc hero fully flashed to cricket and this phones simillar but much better its very luxurious the down side it has a 2.5 m head phone jack intsead of a 3.5 and the chargers on the top instead of the bottom and the cams only 3.2 mp but good job cricket you finally have A good phone thAts affordable finally and its suprisingly quite fast

  15. Oh david by the way the reason why this droid is cheaper is because kyocera is more of s name brand then hauwei but its way better then the zio by alot




  17. Nice Phone high Recomended ! (the same of IpodTouch)

  18. I have no clue how to work this Hauwei Android!! Previoisly I’d been using the Messager for almost two years and there is no comparison at all, however I need some type of user guide to operate this phone!! I dont know what I’m doing!!

  19. Angel if you need help let me know I’ve had the Ascend for about 2 weeks now. Personally I love it.

  20. So it has,hotspot?

  21. OMG!!! Just got the Ascend last week! LOVING it!! So affordable! My Sprint friends are jealous! All the money and time they spent on the Epic and the HTC they are amazed. No waiting for contracts to expire for upgrades. Has cool apps, pretty fast. Go to a store and check it out. Only wish the camera had a flash.

  22. I love this phone got mine last week and is satified….still learning it but i love it!!!

  23. I just bought this phone, over the cricket website, and I couldn’t wait for FedEx to deliver it. This phone is the best by far that I have seen cricket make. Buying it from the store will cost you about 30-40 dollars more, depending on what features you want on it, but it is a great phone to have. I am still trying to figure stuff out because I have only had the phone for a day now. Great Choice, Highly Reccommended!

  24. Oh yeah, this phone over the cricket website will cost $129 and if you put in the code “NEWPHONE” for the promo you will get an extra $5 taken off. So in the end you will end up paying a little less than $200… if nothing extra except the phone insurance. It comes out to be $193.86

  25. I have this phone, and it is great. I returned my Samsung Epic 4G and canceled Sprint,I was still in the 30 day window. I loved the Epic, great phone, but this Huawei Ascend is awsome. You cant beat the cost and it’s a 3G phone. Even better, I rooted this phone, and now I can share internet connection via wifi at no cost.

  26. what is rooted @jimmy? I love my phone had it the day it came out still cant work it but its worth it . all my friends are jealous cause they have htc’s n all that but their bills are very high n i pay half of their bill for 3 phones from cricket.Also i got my phone with the ghost on it so the plastiky part feels awesome this is the best phone ive ever had. recently left verizon with the envy touch and a 145 bill a month.

  27. Great phone and great price No bells and whistles?What is it supposed to do it has android market tons of apps gps wireless touch screen oh yeah no pinch whupity do.Better than most phones out there great size for me Droid or iphone I might as well carry a laptop or wear it like a back pack. I like this phone. 1 thing for me is voicemail is hard to hear when in playback but maybe it just needs a tweak, no volume is up.bought accessories and skin protector online (ebay)

  28. I own the huawei android phone and absolutely love it. Great android market apps and for the price, you can’t go wrong. Internet speed is faster than I thought. I pay $60 bucks for unlimited everything compared to $150 that my friend pays at tmobile.

  29. Me and my fiancee has this phone. I had bttr androids in past. Bt this is a great phone wit a great price!

  30. I accidentally added a shortcut for one of my contacts to my home screen and now can’t figure out how to delete it. Can anybody help with this??

  31. Where can I find a user manual? I am having problems learning how to use it. Please help?

  32. does this phone has a flash for the camera? i’m thinking of getting it thru metro pcs, but if no flash, can’t take pics at night.

  33. I have this phone. I got it through Metro Pcs recently. I really like this phone. It’s actually quite simple to learn once you play with it a bit. Only negatives I’ve found is no flash for websites, and no flash for the camera. Besides that, I love it.

  34. I bought this phone for my boyfriend n we love it. I have a bb curve from metro but now im thinking of getting this instead. the camera is a littler dark but we found a free software on the market call beauty studio to correct that.

  35. I’ve had many phones but never owned a smartphone. I was deadset against owning an iPhone. It didnt impress me & they kept upgrading 2 new versions 2 fast. I refused 2 pay hundreds of dollers only 2 b outdated in 6 mths.
    I had an Envy frm Verizon but coudnt replace the battery due 2 technology advances I was told. I despied touchscreens & didnt want 2pay the xtra fees 4 the smartphone plan. I took 1 look @ this phone & it was luv @ 1st tap!
    Only ? is how do u remove a shortcut frm ur applications screen?

  36. Pretty cool phone coming from cricket but it really does suck not having the flash for the camera.

  37. I really love my Huawei Ascend. I bought it on December 15th. Best phone I’ve owned from cricket by far. I’ve owned the Kyocera Lingo-hinge broke in less than a month, owned the Jet Set-kept turning off on its own, owned the Samsung Messenger II-great phone/owned it over a year and not a single problem, but it was time for me to move onto a smart phone. I love the concept of android and this phone is great and gets the job done. Some ppl complain that it’s slow but I thinks it works great.

  38. I really like this phone. My only complaints are no flash player and the battery doesnt last.

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