
Pre-order Your Sim-Free Desire HD & Desire Z Now! Available 11th October!


Fancy the latest phones without a new contract? Well Phandroids can now pre-order your very own HTC Desire HD and Desire Z sim-free and unlocked and have it in your hands October 11th!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Well known and established e-retailer have the new HTC Desire HD with the latest Android 2.2 and new sense 2.0 for £469.99 & the New HTC Desire Z for £429.99. Z

Online e-retailer eXpansys also has the Desire HD for £499.99 & the Desire Z for £449.99 – so without the need for a calculator is cheaper and offers free national/international delivery to certain countries while Expansys also offers international deliveries to even more countries including the US.



You could also get it on contract from T-mobile when it becomes available or expansys offers the Z with  contract starting from £30 with free phone & the HD starting from £35 with free phone.

[Via expansys &]

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  1. My next phone! Im so excited!

  2. Only 2 weeks away from the alleged G2 release and still nothing from T Mobile regarding pre-orders. Maybe the September 29th date is when pre-orders will begin?


  3. Shiney I wonder the same thing… i am waiting on that myself. I could have had a Vibrant since my brother has the been offered the BOGO deal if i upgraded with him but i declined and my other brother took it. I signed up for their stay in the loop things but no word…. wth

  4. well as long as you know its coming. it would help the wait if you could pre order though

  5. There is no way on earth that this phone will cost $733.26 when it hits U.S. shores. The N1 was 5 and change. That is about the limit on price point here(What the market will bear). And the street prices are generally in the $500 range on top tier Sim-free phones. Anything more than average street price and this puppy might sit just like the Google phone did. I’ll take my chances and wait for it to come state-side where saner prices prevail. We are more competitive with pricing especially when there is more product available. Remember, the LG Optimus Android is also dropping so, I expect the price wars to be between these two phones. Again, the HTC Z is the G2 with Sense UI. So, the smart money says wait. The playing field is set for the battle of the dual core phones and is about to begin! Why pay more than I need to pay?

  6. Sweet phone. I like HTC but I’m not a fan of the way the camera lens is bubbled out. When I set my Nexus down, I wish it would sit flat so that it doesn’t wobble when pressing buttons or using the touch screen. Seems like an obvious design flaw that was overlooked on some of their phones.

  7. I can wait on the G2……I’m just curious as to when. The only release dates are unofficial. T Mobile has yet to state when the G2 will be available for pre-order, even though they have the phone on their web site.

  8. I don’t know what the tax situation in the US is, but the UK price includes all taxes, the smaller figure with (exc) next to it is the excluding VAT price. As far as I’m aware, overseas orders don’t get charged VAT, but might get charged your country’s equivalent. I’m sure can tell you what’s what.

  9. This is purely curiosity, since I couldn’t bring myself to pay that much for a phone, but…
    Does anyone know if these phones work on North American 3G bands? T-Mobile? AT&T? Neither? Both?

  10. As soon as I read about this phone I knew I would sell my iP4 and get one. Too bad doesn’t ship to the U.S. The bands would work on AT&T.

  11. Do they work on U.S Tmobile 3g?

  12. For Desire HD and Z, 3G will NOT work in US T-mobile or ATT, the phone only has HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz which only the Edge and Wifi will work.

  13. i really hope HTC Desire HD comes to the states. that phone is so awesome! and yes, people need to push the standards of phones!

    with all these custom design, i hope Google can keep up with up!

  14. @Dave
    According to

    HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz

    Which means no luck in US or Canada.

  15. @Shiney: Went in to the local T-Mobile retail store. They told me the G2 would be out sometime in early October. Then they signed me up for, get this, the waiting list for the pre-order list LoL.

  16. Dose any1 knw if the G2 is going to have the HTCSence on it??? iv herd that it only going to have stoke android. PLZ SUM1 Tell me!!!!!

  17. *Stock, mybad. lol

  18. The Desire HD supports “HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz” and T-Mobile USA uses “UMTS/WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+: 1700/2100 MHz”. Does anyone know if the overlap at 2100MHz is enough or will the use of the phone in the US be impacted by the lack of 1700MHz?

  19. Sam……

    I never considered going to a T Mobile store. I guessed they would either not know, or not care. Since I signed up on the web site, I don’t need to do any more……Just wait. I feel kind of silly worrying about this…..6 months after I get it, I will probably want a different, better phone!

  20. That is one sleek handset. This is the sort of fluid design that should appear in all handsets!

  21. Well it will be a while before these get 3.0 as they will be out at roughly the same time, no?

  22. @ Bobbin you dont even know if gingerbread exists so stop making up rumors

  23. @ Alex, Bobbin may be right.This story appeared in “DAILY TECH” in June’10

    Android 3.0 “Gingerbread” Launches Q4, Will Kill Off OEM UI “Skins”
    Jason Mick (Blog) – June 30, 2010 2:37 PM


    New operating system will be for high end handsets only, will scrap third party shells (Motoblur, HTC Sense)

    Android 2.2 seemed pretty cool, bringing Flash 10.1, a Davlik JIT compiler for faster apps, and the ability to run apps off a memory card. But Google’s recently unveiled Android 3.0 operating system, codenamed “Gingerbread” may make Android 2.2 “Froyo” look downright pedestrian.

    First and foremost, not all Android phones will get Android 3.0 when it launches in Q4 of this year. Only high end handsets, and potentially tablets, will get the top of the line operating system. Laggard models (also known as “entry level” smartphones) will still run either Android 2.1/2.2, which will be kept alive by minor updates.

    For those who experience Android 3.0, the taste will be sweet. The minimum spec calls for 1 GHz processors, 512 MB RAM, and a 3.5″ display. Resolutions of 1280×760 will be offered on displays 4″ and larger, surpassing the iPhone 4’s fancy “Retina Display”. And some phones are rumored to have 2 GHz processors (hopefully they’ll come with a hearty battery or employ significant die shrink power savings).

    Another drastic change in Android 3.0 is that Google is killing off third-party user interface shells like Motorblur and HTC Sense, by offering a faster, superior alternative. The new built-in UI is reportedly similar to that seen in the Gallery app in this clip, with fluid animations and a photobook sort of feel to it.

    The wealth of information was leaked by’s Eldar Murtazin in his Russian language/locale podcast “Digestiv.” This podcast has been translated by Unwired News.

    In the podcast, Murtazin claims that the new OS will air to developers and tinkerers in mid-October 2010. That will be followed by a November/December series of hardware launches, just in time for the Christmas season.

  24. I have a feeling this is going to be a lot cheaper when it comes in the US, which it will (read it somewhere, not sure). Couple of reasons:
    1. It’s not got much competition in the rest of the world, probably only the Galaxy S goes head-to-head. In US, you have the Droid X, Droid 2, Galaxy S, and Evo as phones some people may choose over this. It’s got to be competitively priced.
    2. also has the Dell Streak at the same price. That turns out to be $730, nearly $200 more than what you pay to get it from AT&T (albiet your stuck on their network)

  25. Wait stop in ur tracks @Deroy HTC said they still will have HTC Sense even on Gingerbread so fall back with wat u think u know.The minimum of 1Ghz was a rumor. until Google gives a real response to this STFU

  26. well im gonna hold back until i know either of these phones is confirmed on the gingerbread front. personally i cant see how 2 of the latest phones htc release along their desire range (and lets not forget the desire basically is the N1) wont get 3.0.

    so the 1ghz might not be the min requirement, but maybe the GPU architecture needs to meet certain requirements?

  27. hang on…unless they havent updated the price, but is selling the original desire @ only £10 less?

  28. sorry meant to say £10 less than the desire z?

  29. @Tru Thugg
    The G2 will not have Sense. The Desire Z will have HTC Sense, but the G2 will very much running Stock Android as per T-Mobile’s press release and specifications.

  30. Can someone tell me if bought from overseas will it work on Tmobile USA?

  31. It’s also on Amazon.|B003ZDP5YK&rh=n%3A560798&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=auto-sparkle&pf_rd_r=1S978ZQM1B184EJ3ACK0&pf_rd_t=301&pf_rd_p=213962507&pf_rd_i=htc%20desire%20z

    I just preordered mine!


  33. @Foxeh
    That sucks! thats the only reson i want it. guess ill have to root it. lol

  34. AMAZING! Cannot wait to get mine!

  35. does HTC desire HD have a prepaid or openline or it is postpaid? I have plan to buy if the unit is an openline ensuring that I can use anywhere and choosing the carrier network. When will be available in Middle East…I guess it is the smartphone ever than Iphone4…

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