
Skype App Updated to Allow 3G Calls While WiFi Is On


After many believed Skype updated their Android app (a Verizon Wireless exclusive) to allow voice calls over pure WiFi due to an unclear description, they were faced with rejection: trying to use Skype on a WiFi-only device will still cause your phone to yell at you. The confusion came where Skype listed “Simultaneous WiFi and 3G” as one of the newest features for the app. They really meant that you wouldn’t have to disable WiFi in order to call your friends using Skype over Verizon’s data network. That makes it nothing more than a convenience feature (but one many people have been dying for, regardless).

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Personally, I’m still waiting for one big feature: Skype on all Android phones. Get rid of that contract and make it happen, m’kay?

[via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Until it supports calls over wifi I’m not installing it.

  2. Until it supports calls over wifi I’m not even installing it.

  3. The building I work in is shielded from outside signals including cellular. I wish Skype would work on Wi-Fi only as well as 3G so i can use my Droid at work.

  4. The lack of a generic Skype app for android phones baffles the mind. WTH are they doing over there and who is in charge?? Ridiculousness!

  5. Nibuzz is a better alternative.

  6. You took the words right out of my keypad, Heather. “WTH are they doing over there and who is in charge?? Ridiculousness!” is going to stay on my clipboard for awhile.

  7. nimbuzz it’s a 3’d party app with poor data transfer quality

  8. Skype, let’s get the wifi only option going. We know you can do it!

  9. Skype, only available to Verizon customers in the US. What a joke!

  10. Skype is killing itself with that limitation. Google already rolled out video chat on gmail, I think its only a matter of time till they roll out same thing for android, then we won’t need skype, nibuzz etc.. everybody can switch to the cheapest mobile plan and do most calls through wifi :)

  11. Nimbuzz is a terrible alternative. Connection to Skype drops constantly (and there’s no notification that connectivity has been lost), you have to log out and back in to reconnect, there’s no icon in the notification bar to indicate that a new message has arrived and so on and so on…

  12. skype and swype, the twins of completely arbitrary device limits

  13. 3Mobile In the UK supports Skype, and they include free Skype usage as part of their service packages. I don’t know if the Verizon app is set up in the same way, but when I make a Skype call it initiates a voice call to a weird number. It’s redirecting my call somewhere and patching it through internally somewhere, but it’s definitely a voice call, not data.(I have to be completely disconnected from WiFi to even open the app nonetheless). I have to agree 100% with the above comments though, as soon as an alternative presents itself offering a free calling solution, I’m gone. Get it together soon, Skype. Make this service competitive by modern standards and I’ll be happy to evangelize for you everywhere.

  14. Skype,Skype,Skype, what do you think, Skype´s directory? If you dont have a great idea to “keep walking”, I will to say “Ou Revoir” to you, me and many others…put limitations to your own concept is shoot at your own foot…well, I just have a cheap cell phone and made free calls, thats all…if in the next future your sistem dont run in “each” device, cell phones, palms, mp4, you will disappear soon, and other “smart” take the place, think about this…

  15. Anyone here tried Truphone?

  16. Just removed Skype from my Sprint EVO.

    No video, no deal.

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