
Samsung Captivate Retail Packaging Gets Seen


If there’s one thing we haven’t seen yet out of all this Samsung Galaxy S madness, it’s how the retail packaging for each of these devices (different for each US carrier) look before you completely destroy the box. At least for one carrier, we can finally see how this thing will look on store shelves. AT&T’s Samsung Captivate is coming shipped in an orange and white box with a pretty cool design sitting behind a proud phone.

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At the top is the text “Samsung Captivate, a Galaxy S phone”, with the Android, Wifi, and other icons sitting below with AT&T’s logo. Not the most exciting of leaks, but it gets us excited (especially knowing July 18th is right around the corner).

[via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. No flash on the camera = #Fail. Plus it’s on the carrier with “Fewer Bard In More Places”. That’s strike 2….

  2. I hate auto correct. Bard = bars.

  3. spoony bards…

  4. @ CJ

    if you will look at some of the pics taken with the Samsung Galaxy S in night mode w/o flash then it will change your mind about the LED Flash like it did mine…

    Go to XDA forums and search…

  5. Yea they should of put a flash on it knowing they can’t keep the front facing came like Sprint did. Benefits to 4G. I mean Verizon was smart enough to put a flash on theirs. T-Mobile didn’t though.

  6. Oh and yea it does take pretty good pictures without a flash but a think every phone with a cam will need one. It won’t be so nice in complete darkness.

  7. I’m buying the Vibrant. I want a front facing camera so badly, but the international version is around $200 more for the 8GB version and I want the one with the bigger gee bees. Besides, I don’t want to attempt to get a phone that does everything I want. I’d end up being disappointed when I realized it wasn’t everything I want, and something better is guaranteed to be out in a few months.

  8. @Jared – Please send me an email. I have a few questions for you. :) [email protected]

  9. I’ll be picking up a Vibrant on the 15th, flash or no flash. No FFC oh well…Super AmoLED screen is what attracts me and the overall performance of the phone. I also like the 2 GB of Rom and 16Gb of flash mem with an microSD slot expandable to 32GB, making a total of 48gb. And the ability to display 16 million colors is nice…Im visual guy so its what sold me overall..LOL! I know I’m lame.

  10. I think that there is finally a device on AT&T that I WANT. For the last 2 years I have been suffering through the crappy phones on this network. It just sucks that I used my upgrade credit to buy a Diamond2 (Pure), because I broke my device and needed one w/o having the money for a new one.

  11. I hate them tards popping flashlights and blinding people.

  12. @UniqueNate
    Why the hell would you take a picture when it’s pitch black with a camera phone? It won’t even look good with the flash. Now, if you’re using a flashlight, my apologies, otherwise, no.

  13. @dkyang
    I don’t have a strong opinion on this phone, but if you honestly believe the only benefit of a flash is to take pictures in the pitch black, then you probably shouldn’t be commenting on photographic-related features…

    P.S. Phandroid: love your content but, “Gets Seen?” Really?

  14. I still say AT&T cripple the crap out of this. I’m still not getting the Galaxy S. No FLASH no front facing camera. I’ll pass. Plus I never did like Samsung phones on AT&T their all full of shit.

  15. @Drew:

    “Gets Seen” is widely accepted as a valid term in the tech blogging world. Comparable to “spotted in the wild” which is used way too much.

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