
Droid 2 Goes Head to Head With Droid In Comparison Video


In a video comparison that just screams “appropriate”, the Motorola Droid 2 goes one-on-one with the original Motorola Droid. Looking at the two devices side-by-side, one can conclude that these things are almost identical at first glance. The Droid 2 does away with those gold accents Motorola included on the original offering, and they also improved on the physical typing experience by removing that ghastly directional pad to make more room for the slide-out keyboard.’

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It’s usually the inside that counts with an Android device, though, and the Droid 2 doesn’t disappoint. The original Droid sports a TI OMAP3430 processor clocked at 550MHz and 256MB of RAM, while the Droid 2 gets a nice hike in speed thanks to its 1GHz TI OMAP 3630 and 512MB of RAM. The speed benefits shows in several benchmarks with the Droid 2 outperforming the original Droid in every category (including GPU benchmarks, which is pretty significant seeing as they house the same GPU).


If you want to see more impressions on the Droid 2 and how it stacks up against the Droid, be sure to visit our friends at Android & Me who are today’s benefactors in bringing us more Droid 2 information than our brains can handle.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. So the question still is…. Droid x or droid 2′

    ps: first!

  2. According to Motorola’s official dedicated page (that went up way back on the 19th) it is, officially, the Droid X.
    Where ya been man? Lol


  3. The Droid X and Droid 2 are two completely different devices. The Droid 2 (we’re still not sure if the name is final) is the updated version of the Droid with an improved keyboard and faster internals. the Droid X is a touch-only device with a 4.3-inch screen, HDMI, and a front-facing camera.

  4. Tom,

    They are 2 completely different phones. So the question is where have you been?

  5. What is he covering with his finger on the front of the phone?

  6. I’m pretty sure the question Ben asked was referring to his choice of phones. Like which phone should he get. For me, it has to be Droid X. I really thought I would need the physical keyboard, but I ended up not using it. Even with the ninja blur, i think Droid X looks amazing.

  7. Maybe he meant which to chose.

  8. choose

  9. You choose the 2 GHz one coming out by the end of the year…duh :)

  10. They keep mentioning 720p video recording as a point of contrast between DroidX and Droid2, but I don’t know why the Droid2 wouldn’t be capable of it. A 5mp sensor can capture 720p and they have the same processor so the Droid2 should be able to encode it.

    Here’s hoping they show off 720p video when this thing gets official.

    And that you have a choice to have it in the original black.

    And it is vanilla Froyo.

    But I’m pretty sure Droid2 will indeed be the correct name. I was at Best Buy this weekend and saw a display listing the original Droid as the “Droid1” (with “1” as a superscript).

  11. The Droid’s GPU performance has been hosed since the 2.1 release. Moto/Google know about it and supposedly it’ll be fixed with 2.2.

  12. Too bad no hdmi out, and the other big slider phone the galaxy s also doesnt have a hdmi port…..:S

  13. So they made the keyboard a bit more spacious, but does the tactile feel still suck? Because that’s what makes the Droid’s keyboard so terrible, not the size…

  14. @Max

    Actually, at this point I’d be happy if they released a new dock that had an HDMI out. I’m not sure if that’s technically possible with the dock interface though.

  15. WHY did they change the button layout! No reason to get this if you have a Droid, especially with rooting and overclocking.

  16. The one thing I did not like about Droid was the microsd stuck behind the battery. I like hot swapping cards, so shame this has not been corrected. I wonder if the megaphone (Droid X) also has this odd card placement. Well, the Desire and EVO also do this, so perhaps the Inc is just special….

  17. Why do people make these horrid videos? Write a review with pictures. The image quality is better, and I can skim the text to find what I want to know instead of sitting through 5 minutes of mind numbing drone speak to learn something.

  18. so I couldn’t even see the video…something about being private. Not the first time a video posted on phandroid didn’t work because it was taken down or a privacy setting put on it.

  19. I wanted to see DROID 2 wit a HDMI output

  20. private video? wth? not watchable from germany :(

  21. Video is set to ‘private’. Can’t watch.

  22. ‘This video is private.’
    Please re-upload it somewhere else

  23. I’d prefer ordinary reviews with text and pictures too. Yet I can’t even see the video now. Normal reviews don’t have these kind of problems.

  24. What’s the release date for Europe? will it be called milestone 2?

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