
Steve Jobs: There’s A Porn Store For Android


steve-jobs-xxxThere is no doubt that the Apple and Android battle has heated up, and things have gotten much more personal between the company’s respective CEO’s – Steve Jobs and Eric Schmidt – in the past few months. I feel like Steve Jobs’ feels a sense of pressure, and as questions about Android’s success mount in relation to Apple, Steve Jobs just wants you to shutup and understand that Apple is better.

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Take for example the question Ryan Block from GDGT asked the panel after the iPhone OS 4.0 event:

What about running unsigned apps?

You’re going to love Steve Jobs’ response:

You know, there’s a porn store for Android. Anyone can download them. You can, your kids can. That’s just not a place we want to go.

Credit goes to Engadget – we found the Q&A tidbit in their live event coverage – and boy did we get a kick out of it.

Jobs’ is right, and we have covered the “Porn Store” he is mentioning – it’s called MiKandi. But does Mr. Jobs know that “You can, your kids can,” use your iPhone’s web browser to search “porn” and “porn store” and find all sorts of yummy adult content. Give me a break – if people really want it their going to find it and get it.

There is something to be said for Jobs’ desire to retain Disney-like control of his company’s moral stature and attempting to ensure the safest experience for its customers. Fine, I get it, admirable and wonderful. But taking a swing at Android for allowing users to do what they want?

I appreciate that Google treats its smartphone customers like adults. Maybe Mr. Jobs can prepackage the new iPhone 4X with a bib, airplane spoon and some Gerber.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I have to agree. It definitely seems like a petty cop out considering the question asked. As though allowing unsigned apps translates directly into all sorts of nasty porn and other immoral things.

  2. lol, good read

  3. iPhone is much better then Android in one thing: user experience

  4. Funny you posted this. I just read that dig a few minutes ago and was thinking the same thing. To be honest, I’m totally over all of this bickering. The iPhone was a game changer and is a cool phone. If you prefer it, then buy it. Android is making a huge dent now and represents a completely different approach, one that allows users to customize their phone. If that’s your thing, then buy that instead. My wife has an iPhone 3G and loves it. She could care less about any of it’s supposed shortcomings because it does exactly what she wants. I’ll be buying the Incredible when it’s released because I want to tinker. So why does everything have to come down to cheap shots and arguments? Just buy what you want, appreciate technology and move along. Oh, and I will totally be downloading porn to my Incredible. :p

  5. put a sock in it jobs ….!!!!
    and let the adults play with android

  6. I honestly believe android is more towards the community of people who are actually have a bit more of a feel for technology, while iPhone is a bit for people who prefer a one button solution for everything.

  7. @Topshelf
    surprisingly lucid take on the whole situation, totally agree.

  8. Addendum: So why’s a guy named Jobs taking pot shots at Android about porn? Doesn’t he know about all of the ‘Job’ jokes that will result from this? Hardy Har Har. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  9. iPhoners often forget they have to jailbreak their phone, to get a phone.

    Android is ready, real multitasking, more powerful and doesn’t treat their users like stupid dumbs.

  10. @Topshelf, couldn’t agree more. It’s not who you are, it’s *just a phone*.

  11. I don’t see how you can actually “own” a piece of apple equipment, the EULA is worse than a mail box.

  12. @Kevin
    After looking up the word lucid, Thanks. lol

    Exactly! Same goes for the iPad and everything else out there. Competition is great, but just because you bought one item doesn’t mean you need to hate all the others.

  13. The porn store is exactly where I’d like to go. I guess i’ll pass on the iPhone

  14. There’s a porn store for Android? Well, what the hell am I doing here. BRB….

  15. And those freakin hipsters actually like steve jobs? Hes so damn conservative and stupid it’s just not funny.

  16. and just like disneys former ceo wat, steve is a nazi frozen in time and refuses get with it. VOTE FOR GORE!!!! FUCKIN TOOL!

  17. *walt

  18. it’s one thing to have to go through login and such to access adult content, it’s another when it thrown in your face. Porn is bad and destructive, especially to children who have no understanding on love and intimacy. I’m I the only one that realizes how addictive and destroying this crap is!!!!!!

  19. “if people really want it their going to find it and get it.” couldn’t agree more

    This is why i love android, open source and open market, if you want to download/make a controversial app. You only have to abide by googles basic ToS which are very loose.

    Go android.
    Im hoping that any intelligent person, whether andoid or iphone fan will realize the stupidity of Jobs response.

  20. Way to totally side-step the question. The question wasn’t “will there be porn on the iPhone” … so he really answered a completely different made-up question. Steve Jobs MUST have political aspirations after he’s done with Apple. He’s mastered doublespeak as well as any presidential candidate.

    Personally, I was an iPhone user for over 2 years and was fed-up with my phone manufacturer treating me more like a child when I’m 30 than my mom did when I was 15. I can make my own decisions about what I want on my phone, thank you very much Mama Jobs.

    The iPhone is for people who want a device that works and they’ll work themselves into its methodology. Android is for people who want their device to work the way they work. I still recommend the iPhone for people who just need something simple … I recommend Android to anyone who wants to do anything useful.

  21. Has anyone else noticed that whenever competition comes up against Apple, they seem to always attempt to demean them or some other type of chagrin? Such total Arrogance is simply distasteful for a company’s leadership.

  22. steve job’s need a brain transplant

  23. wait, is Steve Jobs offering to hire a full-time live-in Nanny for my kids? Sweet! Will she be called iNanny?

    What an a$$hole.

  24. Some people truly want to be coddled, herded or just generally have someone else make their decisions for them. And that’s ok…for them. For the rest of us, there’s Android.

  25. @mark – You’re completely missing the point. It has nothing to do with porn of which Jobs infers that having the ability to install unsigned apps is directly related to. He didn’t answer the question and decided to make it look like Android promotes porn. If that logic is true than every single web browser promotes porn so you better stop using them!

  26. @Gunner and can you show me where those retards are so that I can laugh at them?

  27. @Topshelf & @Gunner – so true.
    hmmm…We may need to update Wikipedia = Apple Inc. – Arrogant People Perceive a Loftier Existence In Need of Cuddling.

  28. Steve Jobs is an arrogant, self righteous, egotistical ASSHOLE. Can’t put it any more simple than that. He holds a “Me too” conference in which he unveils what Windows Mobile, WebOS and Android users have been using and doing for 2+ years. He has by doing this admitted that we had it right all along.

    Not allowing the older devices to multi-task is a HUGE mistake on Apple’s part as well. Seeing that every legacy Android and WinMo device can. Hopefully it leads to more sheeple waking up and seeing what Apple really is and coming over to the Android camp.

    Lastly, the fact that this is hitting in Summer is a HUGE mistake on Apple’s part. Either they are waiting for the announcement and release of the iPhone 4g or waiting for devs to get up to snuff and get going with iAD. If it is the former then there may be some renewed excitement. If it is the latter then I see a whole slew of people coming over to the Android camp.

  29. So, we may need to update Wikipedia? APPLE INC = Arrogant People Perceiving Loftier Existence In Need of Cuddling.

  30. oops.. LMAO!! thanks!

  31. He says “porn store” like it is a bad thing…

    As a free speech & porn loving American male, this type of attitude from Jobs is exactly why I own a Droid, not an iPhone.

    I don’t like someone else making my choices for me.

  32. Yeah, Jobs isn’t the brightest. And Franta, I don’t know where you come up with that, but do you really think that having a “user experience” in which you are forced to ask mommy Jobs what you can install is an improvement over Android’s completely open market? Rob is right that Apple treats their customers like unusually confused children; remember when Google Voice was denied because it could confuse users? Not that I believe that to be the real reason, but the system is condescending and restrictive no matter how you look at it. Maybe you should try using Android before making the typical vague comparisons in which Apple wins for no particularly concrete reason that all Apple fanboys tend to make.

    I think that the online debates between Android and iPhone make a fantastic illustration of what type of people use what mobile operating systems. The conversations are so predictable. iPhone user says, “iPhone is better by THIS MUCH than teh Androids.” Android user response: “Really? Android has A-Z [and proceeds to list 26 significant superiorities] over the iPhone.” iPhone user: “nowai, i has apps”

    Rob, I like the subject matter and your style, but you REALLY need an editor (and if you already have one, a replacement editor) to correct your spelling and grammar before you put your articles out to the world. It’s not stopping me from reading your site, but it’s close to the bottom of my list of Android news sites simply because I don’t feel that the staff puts in quite as much effort towards creating readable news as their competitors.

  33. @mark
    just browse to on your iphone for free iphone optimized (and no login required) streaming porn. How is that harder than downloading an app?

  34. “Give me a break – if people really want it their going to find it and get it.”
    I’m sorry, but I have to point out that a blogger should know the different between “their” and “they’re.” It’s not a spelling mistake, it’s ignorance, and it looks unprofessional. I know this is off-topic and I’m sorry, but an author of a blog should be meeting a standard of grammar and spelling.

  35. Reminds me of when I first played with an iPhone. I opened up the you tube player and all the recommended videos were sexaully oriented. Stupid Jobs, Like my nephew who got busted showing porn to his buddies using the schools wifi on his iPod touch. Not even a phone. Duh. I love my mac, but Jobs drives me crazy.

  36. @mark

    NOTHING is thrown at your face. Actually, it’s much easier to look for “porn” or “porn store” at the iPhone’s browser that to reach that Android porn store – as it was mentioned in the article.

    Giving people the option to access porn (or porn apps for that matter) is not in any means a statement of enthusiastic support in everything that porn represents.
    It’s simply down to customer freedom of choice, a thing Apple don’t see as a basic need and Google sees as a must.

    In my opinion, we should focus much more on teaching our children about the world than depriving them as a method of action.

  37. Steve Jobs is a tool. I was reading the live blogs this morning when he said that (I had 4 tabs open to cross reference what each blogger was saying). I though the same thing as most of the posters here…sidestepping question and belittling his competition at the same time. Control freak and retard…I would love for someone to film him tooling off to porn on his iphone, but it is doubtful he has any sex drive or can even possibly get it up based on his comments.

  38. I think Jobs is really stretching for things these days to say about Android. He knows that all of his sheep will hear “porn store,” and thus link Android with porn, and label it bad.

    I won’t diss the iPhone, it was great….three years ago. I jail-broke my iPhone and no one here who has ever jail-broken an iPhone can argue how cool it is, and the things that you can do with it. But then an OS came out that was already jail-broken, and allowed me to use my phone how I wanted to. Android, my friends.

    If I want to install MiKandi, so be it. If my gf wants to install a vibrator app….well I’ll just be sure to keep my neXXXus One under lock and key, but she can go ahead and install a vibrator app on her android phone.

    Apple represents a simple solution to everything. Everything is toned down so that anyone can understand it. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but once you experience the openness of Android and all of it’s features, it’s hard to go back.

    For example, my brother bought an iPad and I was messing around with it. He was telling me I could change the backgrounds and everything, so I started long-pressing the background and nothing was happening, then I realized you had to go into the settings in order to change it, along with the wi-fi, Bluetooth, brightness, where as in Android there’s that nifty power bar. I also like how in the android browser you can type something like “instructions for making salsa mix” into the address bar, and it will automatically search Google, since it’s not a URL, as opposed to apple where if you enter something into the URL field that’s not an URL it gets angry. (though there is a search box right next to the URL box) I just find Android a lot easier to use IMO.

    But back to the original topic, Steve linking porn to android (intentional or not, I’m betting the latter) is a low-blow, even for him.

  39. Thanks for the shout out in this post, Rob. We really appreciate the coverage from phandroid and your ongoing discussion about the dynamics between the Android and Apple Operating Systems. As the only App Store that treats you like an adult, the MiKandi team is proud to be on the Android platform and, like you, we really appreciate that it is treating consumers as adults in a meaningful way. We’re happy to offer our Adult App Store to anyone with an Android device, free of charge :)

  40. Also, I forgot to add in. I guess no one told steve that there are iphone and now ipad optimized porn sites that any kid can get on.….though the name just doesn’t sound right at all. But they boast how they’re ipad optimized.

    It won’t be long until Steve talks to China and implements the Great firewall of China onto all Apple products.

  41. Steve Jobs: “You know, there’s a porn store for Android.”

    The next day: 1 million more Androids sold…

  42. lol D-man.

    This is the most ridiculous justification for not having unsigned apps possible. There is more free porn availible through Mobile Safari (or any browser) than you could ever buy in an app store and it isn’t hard to find.

    Not allowing unsigned apps (on the iPhone) is kind of fine with me. It’s Apple’s device and their decision. While I don’t agree with it, I understand the idea. It wasn’t long after Cydia enabled users to install apps that App Store piracy took off. There’s no reason to think that making it easier to rip off app devs (and by extention, Apple) wouldn’t result in more people doing so. Jailbroken phones are also less stable…Apple supposedly tests all submitted apps for stability in order to help maintain this infalliable device status that it has among users. Letting untested code run could make the iPhone seem buggy and unstable.

    I don’t think Disneyfying the experience is really Apple’s motivation, but saying that it’s part of it wins over moms and jealous girlfriends on a topic that some people take issue with. I really think piracy and stability are better justifications, even publicly – nobody can really justify stealing and everyone hates crashes. Porn’s level of badness is extremely ambiguous.

  43. @ D-man


  44. I love it he is in panic mode.

  45. Of course Jobs doesn’t like Porn…he doesn’t like anyone but himself, egotistical mother mucker

  46. When is that cancer gonna finally take this guy out so we don’t have to hear from him anymore?!

  47. Who buys porn? Really I am sure a porn store is nice and all but seriously, buy?
    Type in iPhone porn geez

  48. You know, if you stop and think about it for a minute, Apple’s censoring techniques are not unlike many of the censoring methods that China uses on the entire internet. They block porn, and anything else that they don’t agree with, just like Apple. Buy Apple, and you buy a walled garden. Buy Android, and you can do pretty much whatever the heck you want without anybody trying to shut you down and brick your device.

  49. …wow, CJ, that’s fucked dude. You guys are taking phones too seriously.

    On another note, I agree with lost sync. I used to download music all the time, but once I started doing music (around 15), I began to realize how those people felt. It may be kind of hard to relate if you’re not in a creative field, but getting something you put your heart into stolen and freely distributed online is a shitty feeling.

    Also, I’m torn between three OS systems, though I’ve HAD Android, and with it being open source, I can’t really see myself sticking with it.

    It’s the difference between using Open Office and Microsoft Word. They can have a few similarities, but the paid one just works better, and if Google were to flip their phones into NOT being open sourced, it’d probably be a lot better.

    Also, with their being open source and all, how come people aren’t completely flipping Android upside down? I mean, where’s some good games (and not like Shoot-U, but I do love that game, lol), but good 3D games.

    Once thing I’ll agree/disagree with the iPhone OS 4 thing today was their comparison with the iPhone and the PSP/Nintendo DS. While I disagree because they don’t have a lot of the blockbusters like GoW for PSP or Mario for the DS, they DO have awesome games, and their games are cheaper since there’s no production costs, AAANNNDDD some are better than a PSP/DS title. iygefafb

    Anyway, looks like unless the Android platform steps up with the whole 3D thing, I’m going to be migrating to either the iPhone on Sprint (I believe they’re getting it since it’s CDMA, according to Fox News I believe) and a Windows Phone 7 device…I mean, Xbox 360 games on a phone? WHAT?!?!

  50. Article author spelled “they’re” wrong. “They’re going to find and get it.” That is all.

  51. Android is a little too serious, we need Gameloft, Digital Chocolate, and EA Mobile to step in there. Until then, I have PC and console games, and I can listen to music when those are unavailable.

  52. That’s right, Stevie baby, I will be using my HTC Desire with one hand.

  53. ^agreed. Some good games on the market would definitely attract more of the iphone crowd towards android.most of the time the first thing people ask me when they see my phone is what games i have on it and since the good games take up so much space and are usually pretty expensive I font bother with them but then again most of the people that ask for games before anything else have the technological understanding and attention span of the average iphone user.

  54. Jobs is doing the ol’ politician’s trick of throwing mud at his opponent so nobody notices how dirty he is. It’s amusing to see them talking up multitasking now like they just invented it last weekend. And the ‘pod people sit in awe like their watching fireworks. “Ooh! Ahhh!” Same defense works with this as in politics: don’t listen to what you’re told to listen to, and think for yourself.

  55. I’m just waiting for the Demon Dialer on Android. You know it’s coming.. just a matter of when.

  56. Deja vu.. I recall an online service that ‘featured’ a walled garden. It became wildly popular, with upward of 30 million members at its pinnacle. So many high expectations, such loyalty, so many similar limitations. Then those that walked the blessed paths found themselves wanting. Fatigued of a limited landscape and a desire to access the Real World, they simply wanted more. It was Freedom! Freedom to see the forest beyond the tender saplings within the garden. To those that may follow the beguiler – beware, history does repeat itself when lessons are not learned.

  57. I guess Steve Jobs once again fails to understand a fundamental & recent historical trend when it comes to content. Shunning the porn industry is bad for business. Remember the HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray format war? Do you guys know what decided which format was going to win? Porn. The porn industry raises anywhere from $10 to $13 BILLION dollars a year, with an estimated $30 million dollars a year coming from phone related content. That figure is probably rising. The fact of the matter is that HD-DVD banned pornography & ended up losing the format wars.

    Steve Jobs seems to have an objection to porn, yet there are porn apps on his precious iTunes Store. Does he really want to shun a $10 to $13 billion dollar a year industry that has the influence to persuade users to take their business elsewhere? Imagine if the Porn Industry decided to choose Android over iTunes? Putting the best apps on the Android Market? That’s enough influence to cost Apple marketshare & sales decisively in favor of Android.

    Don’t give me this porn is bad non-sense. If your an educated person, it’s not going to effect you. If you live in a free & democratic society, you have freedom of choice. You can choose to watch it or avoid it. It’s that simple. We don’t need Steve Jobs or anyone else taking away that choice based on his dubious & arbitrary whim. Not to mention that Playboy & Penthouse is still in the iTunes Store. No one’s forcing anyone to download the content.

    I really wish Steve Jobs would quit taking potshot’s at Android. Between tagging your iTunes library with your name & transaction information in the metadata, he’s already lied about removing DRM from the iTunes Store. It’s an insidious version of DRM that could really comeback to haunt Apple.

    This is why I will never buy his computers & will never buy his phone.

  58. Well, one asshole’s trash is another perv’s treasure I suppose :)

  59. Ah, but see, he DIDN’T act like they invented it, he just said there’s won’t require the EXTRA download of a task manager. One thing that holds true with Apple, they make things that work the first time. Everything that Apple makes is legendary. The iMac (when they came back with those all-in-ones LONG ago, the big colorful CRTs) changed the way people would look at computers and still to this day inspires people to make computer-in-a-monitor spin offs. The iPod? I mean, it basically revolutionized the way you and I listen to music. Almost everything uses digital songs, then they added video and shut the game down even more.

    When the iPhone first was previewed, people laughed, it’ll never work, and then BOOM! The cell phone game is revolutionized, and until this day, EVERYONE, Android included, is trying to catch up, and it came out SUMMER of ’07! I mean, here’s the thing I’ve noticed about the majority of the people here at Phandroid :

    1. Everyone likes to say that Android slaughters the iPhone, etc., but it just doesn’t. There’s NO phone, no matter what OS, processor, nothing, on the market today that’s even close to the iPhone 3G, let alone the 3GS. Android’s great, but it has so many downfalls that HTC had to do what they did with Windows Mobile and skin it until it’s almost unrecognizable before it has a lot of the functions it should’ve had out of the gate. Period. ANd you know what kills me, people are like,”OMG the iPhone is nothing but apps!”

    WHAT THE FUCK IS ANDROID?!?! It’d be USELESS without APPS, programs, whatever you want to call them.

    2. Everyone’s a spec-whore. “Man, the specs on X phone KILL the iPhone, it’s a better phone, omgrawr!”

    Then, the phone’s released, ANOTHER bigger, badder phone, higher Ghz processor, newer software, and still, the phone’s NOT touching the iPhone.

    How about this one? “Man, that X tablet/MID/whatever KILLS an iPod touch/iPad/anything comparable with a preexisting Apple product! It’s got a 5″/10″/11.5″ screen, OMG it does HD video! BLAH BLAH BLAH!”

    Then it comes out, and it’s not even an after thought.

    The Gemini won’t compare to the iPad, the Adam won’t, the HP Slate, nothing will. NOthing but the iPad 2 or whatever clever moniker Apple comes out with for it’s never ingenious product that will continue to raise the bar.

    The problem’s not Apple, Apple (aside from computers), RUNS the cell phone/mp3 player market hands down, and they’re already running/will run the tablet computing market as well. It’s nothing we can do about it.

    And why? Because they don’t fuck around, simply put. They find things that are cool, useful, and just do it right the first time. iPhone? Great, add a few functions, BAM! iPhone 3G. Another year later, add…MMS and Voice calling? Aha, man…iPhone 3GS.

    No one’s has the balls like Apple, Apple’s that super hot chick in highschool that all the other girls try to beat, they critique her hair, he nails, the size of her ass, tits, etc., yet NONE are ever quite as hot. You’ve got some 8’s and 9’s, a LOT of 5’s and 7’s, but no 10’s. No dimes.

    I’m hoping that Microsoft doesn’t blow this Windows Phone 7 launch like they did the Zune HD (releasing it with an EMPTY app market…REALLY?!?!). Android’s cool, it’s the geeky, cool OS, “AHA! My phones got a barcode scanner AND a metal detector!” But at the end of the day, it’s competing against an untouchable force.

    DO you know why Blackberries are so popular? Because they do what THEY do best. They’re business phones first, through and through. There’s no other phone that has quite the pizazz with corporate e-mail and other utility functions quite like a RIM product. Know who makes the software for Blackberry? RIM. The phones? RIM. Would you take a Rolls Royce Phantom to get it’s oil changed at Jiffy Lube? You take a product to that product’s manufacturer to get it serviced. Then, and ONLY then, are you always sure to get the quickest fix to a problem, that product’s makers. Microsoft is letting lots of people do the Windows Phone 7 handsets, yet at LEAST they’ve outlines a strict set of hardware requirements, HOPEFULLY allowing for a more seemless experience through different devices. The probable result?

    HTC – decent phones, lacks certain things that’ll matter only to few (video quality is not the correct framerate, etc.)

    Samsung – One shining device flawed by Samsung’s horrible habit of making really big, ugly, akward phones and ALMOST using the software to it’s potential in one area, and hardly at all in another.

    LG – Meh.

    Sony – Meh.

    Nokia – Meh x 2


  60. You do raise some good points malpraktiss such as apple doing things thoroughly and such but I digress. Android offers so much more to the technologically adept user than apple does that its ridiculous. Sure apple is spot on when it comes to media and that’s why most artists would choose apple over Microsoft for their multimedia needs. But nonetheless apples approach is more of a “if I know I can’t win at it why even bother”. They certainly don’t seem to pleases with people jailbreaking their iphone to get basic functionality that you would get with any other OS, and this point is further expanded upon by the fact that apple took sooooooooo long on implementing a basic form of multitasking into their mobile OS, something which OS’s such as blackberry symbian and windows mobile have been doing for years before the conception of the iphone. As I said I agree with you that apple does certain things the best but it is asinine to state that because apple is the best in the few things they actually pioneered in that they are untouchable and furthermore one of the things I’ve most observed about apple is that they highlight their strong points to the extent that it is burned in your mind that they are great and are always the best at everything they do regardless of having inferior specs (which I believe make a huge difference in performance) or majorly lacking where others are thriving

  61. You do raise some good points malpraktiss such as apple doing things thoroughly and such but I digress. Android offers so much more to the technologically adept user than apple does that its ridiculous. Sure apple is spot on when it comes to media and that’s why most artists would choose apple over Microsoft for their multimedia needs. But nonetheless apples approach is more of a “if I know I can’t win at it why even bother”. They certainly don’t seem to pleases with people jailbreaking their iphone to get basic functionality that you would get with any other OS, and this point is further expanded upon by the fact that apple took sooooooooo long on ffimplementing a basic form of multitasking into their mobile OS, something which OS’s such as blackberry symbian and windows mobile have been doing for years before the conception of the iphone. As I said I agree with you that apple does certain things the best but it is asinine to state that because apple is the best in the few things they actually pioneered in that they are untouchable and furthermore one of the things I’ve most observed about apple is that they highlight their strong points to the extent that it is burned in your mind that they are great and are always the best at everything they do regardless of having inferior specs (which I believe make a huge difference in performance) or majorly lacking where others are thriving, why else would they have played the waiting game on multitasking? In the end apple, like android, is for a niche of people albeit a much larger one than androids. But sure enough there are people who find the iphone, or ipad utterly useless to them due to lacking hardware or software and untill then they will have to turn towars android, RIM, windows mobile etc. To fufill their basic needs. If the iphone does everything you need and more than good for you since you found the device that was right for you but please don’t go around spewing out that the iphone is the best and every other device is null simply because the company manufacturing said product has a different strategy than apple
    /end rant

  62. Sorry for the double post of the same comment ignore comment 56

  63. @Malpraktiss if you love Iphone and Apple, what are you doing in an android enthusiasts blog ? there are enough of those around on the web. And Apple might make the things with the best UI, best app store etc, but many of us love FREEDOM more than the best UI. So bugger off, you might love to live in countries like China, where the communist party exercise iron controls over everything in China just like how Steve Jobs does.

  64. Jose G, you have it backwards. HD-DVD allowed porn & Blu-Ray didn’t.

  65. @Malpraktiss, and in case you are still lingering around, droid is the best selling android phone, not HTC. And droid has the stock android UI.

  66. Their coming to take him away, their coming to take him away.

  67. Well, I am an iPhone Developer. I have an iPhone and an iPod. I already created a lot of apps. But why am I here? Because I am interested on the Android platform. And I do want to develop with it to. (The reason why I bought a new PC and soon a device) I think both of these devices (I am now referring to Androids OS and iPhone OS) have their own good points as well as bad ones. Let us just leave that fact and let us work to make the most out of it. Besides, sooner or later these big companies will be releasing greater ones in the near future. We have a lot more room for development guys. ;)

  68. @Malpraktiss

    Lighten up, Francis.

  69. @ Malpraktiss You sir are a moron.

    “Ah, but see, he DIDN’T act like they invented it, he just said there’s won’t require the EXTRA download of a task manager.”

    Android does NOT require the EXTRA download of a task manager. As a matter of fact task managers, the manual OR auto kill kind, have been found to reduce stability AND use extra battery. Android has an incredible memory management system and if left alone to do what it is SUPPOSED to do without the introduction of a task manager the device/OS performs incredibly well. Also note that some rooted devices with custom kernels can tweak their memory management settings to be a little more aggressive and then the OS is becomes even more snappier. So before you spew nonsensical bullshit I suggest you educate yourself a little and get Uncle Jobs’ golden penis out of your ass. kthxbye.

  70. @Makpraktiss

    Hmm, work right the very first time eh?

    Although also in this case they decide to “blame” the other third party hardware. That’s what apple is all about – it’s always a third party’s fault.


  71. @Malpraktiss

    You say that Apple has done things right the first time, every time. Yet you list 3 different versions of the iPhone before they even have all of the basic functionalities that my now 2 year old LG Voyager had. 3 years for Apple to get the same functionalities that Motorola nailed on their first try with the Droid. So much for Apple nailing it the first try eh?

    I do agree that the iPhone is that “super hot chick” in high school. You know, the one that’s “been around” with the football team. The one who spreads rumors and gossip about the other girl who’s starting to get more and more attention from the school (Android) to try and defame her in a desperate attempt to stay off her becoming more popular. Don’t believe me? See Steve Jobs’ porn comment above.

    The day will come when Android will overtake Apple in marketshare and you’ll be left clutching your precious iPhone, with a blank look on your face, rocking back and forth in the fetal position repeatedly muttering “the iPhone’s still the best”.

    Go back to AppleInsider or MacRumors. You’ll fit in nicely over there.

  72. YO, 75% percent of the Blu-Ray releases in Japan were porn during the format’s nascent years. While HD-DVD might have been true for North America or Europe, it was the hentai crowd that pushed BD over the top.

  73. And the sad part is, I could care less about porn and I know that. ^_^;;; But basically, everyone’s right. You can choose to see it or not. As long as it’s kept from kids, that’s fine. And if that’s El Stevo’s point, that’s fine…just don’t make adults suffer for that. Which is why I have a Droid.

  74. @Malpraktiss: “One thing that holds true with Apple, they make things that work the first time.” Let’s talk 3G, bluetooth stereo (AVRCP still not fully implemented), video, even multitalking. None of these things existed in the initial iPhone even though they were standard, and fully functional, in other phones years before the iPhone came out. Are you saying that the only release things once they can figure out how to do thins that everyone else already knows? Not much of a ringing endorsement of technological superiority.

    “Everything that Apple makes is legendary.” Newton. Lisa. Mac TV. Pippin. G4 Cube. You’re right. You just forgot to mention that half of what they produce are legendary failures.

  75. I think the shine is coming of the apple. I’ve read alot of stories that are pointing out that this whole 4.0 is just a catch up to Android in many features. Steve is a giant ihole and more and more people are seeing that every day. Aren’t these poeple who get to ask questions at these dog and pony shows allowed to ask follow up questions? I realize that most of them wouldn’t dare follow up with something that points out how wrong the guy is, but maybe one or two of them would call him out for some of this BS.

  76. @su2lly

    They’re probably afraid that the Secret Apple Police to protect Apple’s image will decend upon them and whisk them away, never to be heard from again.

    Then the crowd will be flashed like in Men in Black to make sure they forget that damaging question was asked in the first place.

  77. @ everyone above

    Look, I have an HTC Hero. My brother has a Samsung Moment, which he gained after leaving Alltel and the WinMo platform. Since I joined Sprint back in September, I’ve had webOS, Blackberry, and Android. A guy who works with me has an iPhone. There’s nothing my device can do that the iPhone doesn’t do aside from Google Voice, something that I use only as an extra number to give people who I need to maintain contact with without giving them my own number.

    lol, I didn’t mean to stir anyone’s emotions, but did you all watch the keynotes from the iPhone OS 4 show? I don’t love Apple, Steve Jobs’s cock isn’t in my ass, none of that bullshit, I just give credit where credit is do. Why should I list Android, you all do that here on a regular basis. No, Apple’s not the greatest thing ever.

    The new operating system for the iPhone makes a lot of changes, some new, some old, some retarded (like changing the background), but I feel like almost everything will work a ton better than it does in it’s current iteration. I just wish that the Android software wasn’t so clunky, but I’ve not tested something like the Evo, not many have, so when that comes, we’ll see, but still and through, I want a device that can do everything. Everything works more practical through iPhone, and like I said, the new Windows Phone 7 will HOPEFULLY be the winner through everything, as I want my Xbox LIVE integration.

  78. Thanks Jobs,

    You added 1 more awesome reason to choose ANDROID!! lol

  79. Oh wow there was really a response to this one. I actually don’t care is Steve wants to keep me from porn…but as has been said it glazes over the real question about openness or at least some uniformity with how apps are admitted to the app store; Taking out all the “naughty” apps while leaving playboy on the shelf? So yeah there’s plenty of ways to get porn on any device if you really want to…but the reason I choose Android over iPhone is that there are other things; like creating free ringtones, tethering, getting third party(not just porn) apps. The list goes on. I’ve always liked Android when the G1 first came out and couldn’t believe how far ahead it was from other devices in several categories. Yeah iPhone was still king and made everyone else’s phones look like old hat tech when it debuted, but Android was a revolution in its own right, and arguably still is as it develops. But Jobs is in the business to kill competition, not thoughtfully comment on the state of tech and what both platforms have done for the world of tech. And thats where I have a beef.

  80. sorry that was “don’t care *if* Steve…” on the first line.

  81. I Hate everyone!

  82. Hey all,

    We develop the Strip Club apparently available in the MiKandi store. Apple doesn’t want people to have fun apparently? Well, we do! We’ve told MiKandi to make our app totally free for the summer.

    Point your android to, and if you have an iThing, jump ship!


    In his attempt to portray Apple as so much better than Android, Steve Jobs may have just created a great ad campaign that Google could run on ESPN, in men’s magazines or on the back of beer bottles. NICE WORK, STEVE!!

  84. Doesn’t he realize porn can be the 8th “tentpole” ?????

  85. Steve can hear the rumble of Android in the distance just like he heard Windows rumbling toward him in the early ninties.
    You can try and keep the doors locked Steve but we’ll climb out through the windows.

  86. Seems when mid-year gets here, and more/most of these “coming soon” ‘droids become available the jobsPhone shall truly become just another Apple ‘has been’. It’s OS is in ‘catch-up’ mode now. As the headlines read, “FINALLY” to get multi-tasking Later this year. Too Little, Too Late sound familiar? Give the iPhone its credit due, it was a game changer.. in 2007. Kinda like the jump to 32-bit computing was from 16-bit in the 1980’s. Time spans for progress is WAAAYYY more compressed now. Three years is now a decade compared to then! Wake-up call Stevie, the jobsPhone is not a big deal anymore! The market is moving on to what ‘We The People’ want in a phone, not what you want. We Declare Our Independence. Rock On Android!!

  87. Jobs is an idiot. He may be responsible for changing the face of the smartphone but he has lost the plot now. It seems as though he cant handle the pressure that Android is throwing his way and he now like a kid who didn’t get the christmas present he wanted and just throws a tantrum.
    Grow up Jobs, Android is coming to get you.

  88. I wonder if he remembers what happened after there was a porn market for VHS

  89. Famous last words
    AOL: So easy to use, no wonder it’s number one!

  90. How come I haven’t found the porn store yet? Steve, please give me a hint where to find it!

  91. I think a Point most are missing is that while Jobs is blocking pornographic apps from the Itunes AppStore (and thus from apple devises that use it), gogle is essentially doing the same.

    Sure there is risque content in the Android Market, but outright pron is definitely lacking, for that you have to go off site to places like Mikandi. if you do, Android will specifically try to discourage you from uploading an unverified app. The real issue is not either company’s stand on porn, but rather their stand on 3rd party apps of any kind. Google allows them but discourages their use, while Apple bans them and punishes you for altering your system to be able to use them.

  92. Everyone needs to get one of these “Yes, Steve…I want porn!” Android badges for your profile pics. Hilarious. :-)

  93. Is this considered porn? The first iPad art exhibition?

  94. I have to say Steve Jobs is a smart guy. The ads between Mac and PC has successfully attacked PC. I have been using PC all my life and never had any problem. Without PC industry, Mac would not lead us anywhere with protectionism.
    Now, he is delivering another cheap shot to Android. The good news is they are not attacking the Android, it means Android is more reliable than Iphone OS.

  95. Steve Jobs just doesn’t get it. That video explains it all !


  96. Porn is not destructive, people are. If your kids are easily getting into porn then you’ve failed as a parent. My kids are 9 and 14 and they know what it is, where to get it, and have no desire. They think it is gross as they should at that age. Keep things from your children and they will turn out just like you, scared to talk to their kids about it.

    I sat down with my kids not even a year ago and explained to them that my wife and I have adult movies on the computer (password protected as they should be) and that it is ok for adults to make their own decisions about things of that nature. We also told them that we regularly smoke marijuana (never inside, or around them and we live in Oregon where its legal), and that it as well is a decision to be made by adults not children.

    Treat your children like people not babies and they will understand. My son talks to me about things he sees and hears in school that I would have never told my parents, because he trusts that my advice is the best he can get.

    Whether its porn, drugs, prescription pills, alcohol, bad foods, bad behavior, bad decisions, etc. Your kids WILL be exposed to them and the substances or actions themselves do NOT ruin lives, misinformation and being afraid to genuinely talk to your children does. You could always just lock them in a closet if you dont want them to experience the real world.

  97. I have t mobile mytouch 3g but the video player freezes non stop can’t even enjoy my porn any thing to help

  98. @sgaron

    I believe this video is more relevant.

  99. Mad late but w.e…Jobs is a man that can’t accept the what there’s porn on the android market…uk what else there is on the android market?.FREE APPS.and not one or two here or there I mean TONS of FREE APPS.some are lite, but there r a crap load more that are free and run fine and are is a wonderful thing…did anyone that disney SUPPORTS porn as an ART FORM?.not too many if disney says porn is ok, then id say it is is a man with nothing but $$$ on his mind and that’s why it cost an arm and a leg to own an iphone, where as google and the android makers are more concerned about QUALITY more so than $$$ bc in the end of it all, if u have happy customers ur gonna get paid regardless.the iphone is yesterday the android is now…what will tomorrow be?.idfk.but I tell u what its gonna be better than the androind and iphone bc that’s just how business works.the anroid is amazing beyond belief.I can DOWNLOAD music straight to my phone…can the iphone do that?.think xboxlive acct is linked to my phone so I know whose on and I can send and receive messages.the iphone def can’t do that.and widgets?.I get updates on w.e tf I wanna get updates on w/o havin to watch tv OR check my fb/twitter.and the ihpone 4g is worse than the 3gs.htf do u go backwards n technology?.unless all u see is $$$ and not customer satisfaction.I ramble a lot.I’m sry.

  100. Everybody knows more than Steve Jobs.

    Have you ever considered that all that crappy, bloated 3rd party software written for windows, all fighting to constantly run in the background of you computer every time you start-up, is part of what has made MS a joke.

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