
Samsung Galaxy S Pro With Keyboard Rumored


There are touchscreen only fans and hardware keyboard fans and some folks are adamant about having it one way or another. That’s why when an amazing mobile phone like the Motorola Droid – or in this case the Samsung Galaxy S – are announced, one knee-jerk reaction is to wonder what the phone would be like if they offered an alternate version. We’re all familiar with the practice of adding a slideout QWERTY and slapping a “Pro” on to the end of the name, and that is exactly what HDBlog.it are suggesting will happen with the Samsung Galaxy S.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


The above picture is only a mock-up and is NOT real. But, rumor has it a phone that looks very similar to the Galaxy S will add the keyboard and start selling in late summer, after the original S has been on the market a couple months.

Is there any truth to the rumor? No way of knowing. Would you be happy if the rumor came true? Different question completely… and one that I’d love for YOU to answer.

[polldaddy poll=2983680]

Whether it will ever exist? That’s merely a matter of opinion for folks like you and me.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. what keyboard was that photoshopped onto? it look really nice.

  2. The inbrics m1

  3. That keyboard is nice!!!!!

  4. Yes dear God! That is the phone I have been dreaming of. Samsung’s last slider on Sprint blew, it was like 2 inches thick! Please please please make this and bring it to Sprint.

  5. that keyboard looks sweet. a 5 row qwerty, with arrow keys, and android? if it comes to t-mobile, I’ll buy it.

  6. Man yall do a good mock up

  7. Hmmmm, this could be the replacement for my Motorola Milestone….

  8. @ Phoenix it’s the one from the lg gw620 intouch max I think

  9. Without a second thought i would go for “PRO”! I am looking for a Desire or a Nexus one “PRO”!

  10. We need more top end Android phones with slide out qwerty keyboards.

    Droid/Milestone is not for me. Keys are tiny, no gaps between them and not a good feel. I haven’t tried many smartphones with a qwerty keyboard, but comparing this to the Nokia N900, the N900 was a pleasure to use.

  11. Dear god, please submit the results of this poll to every single hardware manufacturer so they get the damn picture!

  12. I would prefer the original phone as I have no use for a slide out keyboard.

  13. it looks so cool i might have 2 buy it

  14. I dont know why you wouldnt want the pro, i mean having a good qwerty on it wouldnt hurt, having the option while banging out a long txt or email seems great, even if swype is amazing, having the option is the best, i really hope it comes to verizon, as i hate the Droid, keyboard sucks plus video recording isnt good and you cant go wrong with a super amoled screen, hd recording, and digital 5.1 surround makes me happy, i use my phones as mp3 players and the quality on the droid was not good at all, the bb storms quality was a lot better… cant wait for this phone!

  15. the amount of phones without a keyboard is insulting. If this thing actually does come out with a keyboard I’ll be buying it the second it comes out irrespective of price.

    Also, the removal of call buttons? WTF. That’s also stupid.

    Some people like to be able to actually answer the phone with 1 button touch.

  16. I hate to be the downer here but just the fact that it looks really good and functional means that we will not see it /sigh. At this point I would really love an updated G1 that has a snapdragon and more ram. The G1 Keyboard rocks.

  17. I have the Samsung Moment with the slide-out keyboard, and I think it works great. People in every rewiew moan about how the space bar breaks up the bottom row of keys, but I’ve never had a problem with that — you don’t type on these keyboards the same way you type on a full-sized one, anyway. It’s great to be able to keep everything on the screen while you’re typing and not have a big block of letters scroll up and obscure most of what you’re doing.

    Physical keyboards rule.

  18. I’ve been with out keyboard for months now, I gotta say I don’t miss it. I’d rather the phone be thin than have a keyboard I don’t use…

  19. I love my G1, and I will be keeping it until I can find a good new android phone with a good slide out keyboard on it. I can touch type on this thing, which is impossible on a touchscreen. Why have a clumsy touch based phone when you can have physical keys AND a touchscreen?

    If they brought this “pro” version out, I would buy it immediately as I did with my kick ass G1.

  20. there is no way that the galaxy s will sport a keyboard, samsung is advertising the galaxy s as the “thinnest” smartphone out there, think about it guys, and I hope it comes to t-mobile, will forget about the evo or anything else that I might be “jealous” of :D

  21. when will either of these phones be available on tmobile uk?

  22. Would be nice if keypad was alternating like a computer keyboard and the g1 but with bigger buttons then the g1 since it will have bigger screen. Also, biggest problem I have with all these smartphones is they have to be so small. I put a 2400mh in my G1. It easily lasts all day beating it with web usage. Please think about functionality and performance instead of cosmetics.

    Ideal phone: 4.3 screen, full 5 rows qwerty keyboard, big battery, hdmi, noise suppresion microphone, back camera with flash and zoom, front camera with flash, speakers for multi-media on front and back, inverse soft keys so can take up whole screen while typing , stand for watching videos, dock pins for car usage. Put buttons on side of camera instead of botttom to make camera not so long.

  23. If this becomes true, I´ll by one for my self and for my wife.

  24. I would soooo love this phone! My first impression of the Galaxy S was….”sounds cool and all, but it’s completely touchscreen, so no thanks” If you like touchscreen, keep the S. I wouldn’t mind if it was a bit bigger or thicker for the keyboard. If they do make it I just hope it comes to AT&T, or gets realeased to all rather just one exclusive carrier.

  25. Thank god someone is at least thinking about a qwerty keyboard. For those of us who like to keep our nails done (mine are short but manicured), try using one of those touch screens, NOT! For some reason we seem to be the forgotten, unmentioned, never designed for, silent users out there. Someone needs to do the calculations on just how much we spend every 6 months on disposable income and realize we would love an android phone we could use.

  26. 23. Jan wrote on June 4, 2010
    “If this becomes true, I´ll by one for my self and for my wife.”

    If this becomes true, I’ll buy two for myself and sell my wife. ;)

    Seriously though, I’ve also been on the look for a really good smart phone with full keyboard, but every otherwise good phone seems to be lacking the keyboard or comes with some nonsense like 3-row keyboard, or stupid layout, or whatnot.

    The best keyboard I’ve handled so far was on HTC touch pro 2 (omgz, even the jittered layout), but that (ph)one was spoiled with M$ crapware and otherwise slightly flimsy structure.

  27. the samsung galaxy s PRO!!!!! aaaaaah they better make this phone…thatas a very well collaborated idea..i wish i came up with it! :'( anyhoo, i reeli want this kinda phone its A M A Z I N G !!!!!!! i was gna get the samsung galaxy s juss when i heard that there a rumor about this kinda phone…oooh im excited……please make this phone by the end of july 2010…please please please! @_@…please pweeeeeeeez i want it! :)

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  30. This phone really exist?

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