Bell Gets First Android – Samsung Galaxy!


Oh Canada! Your country has given us many good things: bacon, politeness, cheaper prices for those who cross the border, and John Candy. So it’s only adequate that we give you the Android in return. We told you last week that the Samsung Galaxy would go on sale December 10th on Canada’s Bell and it looks like that panned out pretty perfectly:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Bingo bango. If you’ve been waiting for this bad boy, check it out and it could be yours for less than $100 bucks. This is Bell’s first Android Phone so those Canadians who felt like they were left in the dark – now you shall see! Let us know how you like your new robot friend.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. …and running an already-obsolete Android 1.5. No plans to upgrade to 1.6, 2.0 or 2.1 given by Samsung. From a current Galaxy owner: find a different manufacturer.

  2. Seconded!

    From another Samsung Galaxy Owner!

  3. Samsung please go back to your winMo or Symbian phones or your new Bada crap. Leave the Android to other companies who get the software right…

  4. You forgot Poutine. Canada gave the world poutine.

  5. and Blackberry…

  6. Can’t believe people are already complaining about the firmware version. Sigh…..

    Someone will probably come out with a 3rd party image soon enough so you can play.

  7. So they’re NOW selling an already old and abandoned phone? Right… Well done Bell.

  8. I’m with Bell and just picked up the Galaxy yesterday. Overall it is a neat phone, better than my blackberry 8830 but its lack of Exchange connectivity is really a pisser. I am sure that a 2.0 upgrade will be made available soon whether it’s from samsung or from a 3rd party source. Either way, it will fill in the gap until I can get my hands on a Motorola Milestone from Brazil.

  9. I had this phone for 6 days. Andriod is great, but unfortunately the phone didn’t like the service in my area. Often the only way to get reception was to power donw, remove the battery and sim, put them back in, and power up. After a minute lon boot I would have perfect reception again… for a random amount of time.

    I also found that while I was surfing using Wi-Fi the phone switched back to 3g, even though the wireless router was within 15 feet of me and others were surfing on their laptops and even on an iPhone.

    I would still have this phone, but with the connectivity problems I had I had to return it… it is still a phone for me and if it doesn’t send or receive calls at random times then it is useless.

  10. bought Galaxy s 2 weeks ago (release date) planned on buying iphone ios4 ended up with this galaxy s (with os 2.1) this phone just rocks … as i type this i am using my phone as a video server using the wifi to watch shows on my tv :) … because i can !

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