Deals on the HTC Hero and Samsung Moment ($80!)


Are you a Sprint customer looking to make the switch to an Android device? Well Best Buy and Amazon have some deals for you. Currently Best Buy has both the Samsung Moment and HTC Hero available for $100 with a two-year deal. If you’re trying to save an extra $20 and dig a physical keyboard and a sweet AMOLED screen, Amazon has the Samsung Moment for $80 with a two-year deal. And if you buy the latter before Nov. 23rd then Sprint will waive the $36 activation fee for the new 2-year contract!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Either way you can’t lose, you’re getting an Android device.

[Via Android Forums]

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  1. “Are you a Sprint customer looking to make the switch to an Android device?”

    This is for new activations as far as I can tell, not current Sprint customers. Are you sure about this?

  2. Yeah – pretty sure this is for a newly activated line. If you are already a loyal Sprint customer (one of the few left), you get screwed. Instead of $80, you get $179, and that’s after waiting up to 12 weeks for the $100 mail-in rebate. Pretty sure you’ll still have to pay the activation fee as well. Thanks Sprint – pretty sure I’ll be jumping to T-Mobile or Verizon pretty soon.

  3. Unless something changed in the last 2 days, you cannot (or at least, aren’t supposed to) get the BestBuy deal as an existing Sprint customer upgrading. I am out of contract and eligible for an upgrade, but at my local BestBuy it was $179 for the Hero for me. Don’t know about the Moment at either place.

  4. I got the upgrade price at Best Buy, then saw it for $99 a few days later; went to customer service and asked for a price match. They gave me $86 bucks back!! Worth a try for anyone else.

  5. ^^^ BTW, I than promptly left the store as quickly as possible!! :)

  6. Well. I know where I’ll be going this weekend to see if I can get a fix.

  7. I love this site!!. Without it I probably would have never found out about this price change. I purchased my Samsung Moment from BestBuy because of the $179 upfront price (instead of fooling with the $100 mail in rebate from Sprint) and boy am I glad I did. After reading this news, I went into BestBuy with my receipt and no questions asked, I was handed $85.40!! Couple this with the fact I got $25 for mentioning a friend referred me to Sprint, and the final price of my new Samsung Moment = $75.00!!

    Now for anyone considering the Samsung Moment, it is an awesome phone. I spent hours and hours researching the two (Samsung Moment vs HTC Hero). I made 3 trips to the Sprint store within the 3 days of research to hold the phones in hand and test issues I had read about. Final decision was the Moment! The main reasons: Slide out keyboard, a flash on the camera, and the speedy 800mHz processor.
    My concerns for the Hero were this: 1) The Sense UI, although nice, had problems running some basic apps that I downloaded from the Android Market. Some would not run at all and others had problems and would force close. These same apps had no problems on the Samsung Moment.
    2) The slower 528mHz processor works well now, but when it comes time for full OS updates, will the phone still run smoothly? The 800mhZ on the Moment eases my mind on this.

  8. I went today as a Sprint customer looking for an upgrade, and can confirm this price is for new customers only. Ridiculous.

    Should also mention Amazon has been out of stock for some time.

  9. I went to Best Buy today and prominently displayed is the pricing for the Hero and Moment: $100 with a new activation and $180 if you are upgrading. Loyalty to Sprint has no reward.

  10. The thing I’ve learned about Sprint (been with them for about 9 years now) is that if you can get the right person on the customer service line, then you can usually get exceptions to these types of rules. Remember the secret word for getting to the right department: Customer Retention ;)

  11. FYI, the extra money off is coming out of BestBuy’s pocket, not Sprint. BestBuy is using it as a Loss Leader to get you in the store. .

  12. Anyone know of a good site for ringers for an android? I just bought my Moment yesterday. Need some ringers!

  13. As Mary wrote in post #11, I can confirm that this deal is not Sprint’s doing – it’s Amazon and Best Buy trying to get you in the door. Just like Wal-Mart offering the new Palm Pixi for $30. These three retailers are taking a big loss on the phone to make money off your new plan.

  14. Dame. I went into sprint store the other day after reading this site. 1st ? was did they fix the the problem with the battery? The rep replied, there is nothin wrong with the battery, The people just dont know how to use the phone. ok
    I called sprint and asked why do new costumers get the same deal that I get? and I have been with sprint for 12yrs. She went on telling me it get a other things for being there so long. Yeah right i said. after I continue to renew my contract every two yrs but I now can get a new phone every year instead of waiting 22months. but i have to keep renewing my contract. duh and the phones are stuck on stupid. but I cant wait until the other carriers get wind of this and make sprint tap out…

  15. As Taylor #7 post, i ABSOLUTELY love my Moment!! I also did research on Hero and Moment and by far…Moment is better. The cons of Moment…its a bit bulkier than the Hero, but the processor is faster and it doesn’t FC apps as with the Hero.

    I previously had the Palm Treo and loved it! I tried out the Palm Pre for about two weeks and it totally sucks. I went back to my Treo. But now that i purchased the Moment….i wouldn’t change it for anything! It’s simply the best!

  16. I had the HTC Hero for about 21/2 wks. I was running into problems with the phone. Went back to the Sprint store and got the Moment. Great phone. Though I do miss not having the microphone google search. I do wish the Moment had it on it.

  17. I went in this past weekend, asked the Best Buy mobile person about 30 day price protection and BAM! got the difference back. Worked great for me

  18. someone at said that wirelfy has the moment for $99.99 for upgrades phones. In someone else’s comment, they said that they got best buy to price match it for an upgrade.

    Didn’t have a chance to check this out yet.

  19. I just got the moment last week at Best Buy and dont know why a lot of reviews on this phone are bad. I ve done a ton of research on the moment and the hero. Hero is a good phone but I think the moment is better. Got the phone for 99.99 but had to pay about 50 dollars in tax, they said that they have to charge the tax for the full price of the phone(bout $650.00).. dont know if thats just a law in Cali.. Anybody know of this?

  20. “I just got the moment last week at Best Buy and dont know why a lot of reviews on this phone are bad. I ve done a ton of research on the moment and the hero. Hero is a good phone but I think the moment is better. Got the phone for 99.99 but had to pay about 50 dollars in tax, they said that they have to charge the tax for the full price of the phone(bout $650.00).. dont know if thats just a law in Cali.. Anybody know of this?”

    Cheeto this is indeed a law in Cali because just yesterday me and my family switched from tmobile to sprint and charged us 220 dollars in tax for 1 hero, 2 bb tours, and 2 bb pearls put together. When we asked them about this they too said that California charges tax based on the full price of the phone

  21. I got my hero at BestBuy online the Monday after Thanksgiving for $69.00 as an upgrade due to my plan expiring. I got it online and did not have to California tax and shipping was free.

  22. My mom ordered me the samsung moment from sprint for $179.99 and I was happy because I thought the price was good for this amazing fone but now after reading this and going on to check for myself, I plan on having her cancel the order and ordering it from itself! Haha.

  23. Yea, went into Sprint store to check out getting either the Hero or Moment and was told it would cost $279, with a $100 rebate. Sprint just keeps on screwing loyal customers….i may not renew with them!

  24. Well if you go to Best Buy to upgrade, the Hero is 99 bucks…I upgraded my phone last Wednesday…So it’s at Best Buy only, not Sprint, Radio Shack or any other third party spot…

  25. As of the week of Feb 28th through March 6th Best Buy has the hero for new / upgrading plans for 79 dollars.

  26. Best Buy, Radio Shack, etc. sometimes have less expensive phones than Sprint directly, however, these sales representatives do not know Sprint thoroughly and do not have the capabilities that a actual Sprint Store does. For example, transferring your contacts to your new device, which Sprint does in the Store free of charge when you purchase your phone there. I recommend a indirect dealer (the Sprint kiosks you see in your mall). They sell Sprint and only Sprint, and because they are indirect, often offer great deals. Also, as far as upgrading or a new activation, either customer pays the same price for a phone. Only exception is $50 rebates on all devices not attached to a data plan. (Getting around this by trying the data plan for the first month and then switching.) Or out-of-market numbers (not local in your area) will also require up to a $100 mail in rebate just because that is how every carrier does this. This can be avoided as well if 1. You change your phone number at no cost to you OR 2. Purchase the device in the area your cell phone number originates from. FYI – I realize this post is old but Keith #14 — Sprint does offer you Sprint Premier as the loyalty program and I have already seen $75 off any phone with this program. Another thing, the Samsung Moment now has an update which has improved a number of things including battery life. No other carrier has this update for the android other than Sprint! =P

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