
Phandroid Podcast: Episode 13


Hear ye, hear ye! Gather round as Rob Jackson, Dave Demarest and Talton Pettigrew hang out for Phandroid Podcast Episode 13 which features an hour of awesomely entertaining Android Talk amongst other random ditties. This time around we touch on Google’s recent acquisitions, the Droid, the future of Android and some random movies from back in the day.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

We’ve been getting requests to add Phandroid Podcast to the Google Listen Android Application. You CAN do this now:

  • Google MANUALLY adds Podcasts to its searchable list and Phandroid hasn’t been included (BOO!) – Visit this support thread and tell them you think we should be included. I mean… Android Podcast. Android Phone. Android Application. Makes sense, right?
  • In the meantime: Open Listen, press Menu > Add and type the following URL in the field: “http://feeds2.feedburner.com/PhandroidPodcast”


podcastlogo3001 [audio:http://phandroid.com/podcasts/phandroidpodcast-13.mp3]

Download the MP3

… tune in next time for Episode 14! Subscribe via RSS Reader or through iTunes!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

100,000 DROIDS And Counting

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  1. You should try DoubleTwist it syncs with iTunes.

  2. How about a barcode link to the MP3?

  3. Boring it you talk about anything don’t do a podcast me and my bulldog could do a better job

  4. What is the deal with not getting your podcast on itunes promptly. I get you are androidians but don’t hate on us ipod touch users. Better yet let me know the date I can go buy the verizon passion and I won’t bother you any longer.

  5. What happened to comments on the report from BGR about the new photos of the passion? This is what people really want to hear about.

  6. Hi,
    You need to listen to your podcast before you upload it. You would see the problems with your current output, and hopefully take steps to improve the podcast.

  7. You can help your readers out by posting this pic:

    Barcode Scan it, click on the link, then click on Listen. Done.

  8. I have gone back and listened to many of these podcasts now, and have come to the conclusion that the majority is a bunch of babbling speculation, bad logic and childish American pop culture
    I think ill stick to the written information, sorry guys

  9. I don’t see an issue with the podcast to be honest. I would rather listen to opinions rather than listening to pre-scripted BS. I think you guys are doing a fine job here at Phandroid. With time everything will get better. I think the simple solution for the ones that are dogging on the podcast is, simply don’t listen to it. Wow, problem solved.

  10. There’s a saying “A joke’s a joke but f..k a pantomime” – this episode, contrary to the one before it, was a bloody pantomime! Get a grip guys… and try and stay slightly sober.

  11. Still can’t get these podcasts to finish downloading using “Juice” on the PC. Every time I start “Juice”, it thinks I have not downloaded it and tried again. Although it gets to 100%, it never clears the download list. Never had this problem with hundreds of other podcasts I have subscribed to over the years.

  12. How about everyone stops hating and start appreciating what these guys are doing. They take time to write articles and do podcasts to keep us up to date on what’s going on…there not news anchors or anything pro there just regular guys giving there regular opinions.I enjoy listening to em..keep it up guys

  13. I aint hating, its constructive feedback. The majority of the site is excellent; a great resource for Android info. I think though, that the podcasts can dribble. I don’t mind the casual nature; I too believe it makes for a more entertaining listening experience.
    I’m more talking about all the “ummms” “ahhhh’s” “I don’t know” “I really thinksss” “I really want”
    I’m clearing taking the time to comment as I do care about the quality and the success of this site.

  14. It’s not constructive if it is completely negative without offering some way to correct or what you’d like to see.

    I’d like to say that my android research started about the time of this last podcast. I found them to be interesting, relevent to my age and manner of speaking. Just because you put a podcast out, does not mean it needs to sound like a radio show. I enjoy the fact that it sounds like friends talking. It made it personal, and fun as I learned a lot about their topics and was entertained. heck I even listened to this podcast a few times as we were traveling and had limited access to the internet at the time.

    I now how the droid, and am looking forward to the next podcast…
    keep em coming!!

  15. when are you guys gonna put out another podcast? Its been forever!

  16. Whate the hell happened to the podcasts? Should I just listen to http://www.androidguys.com? I can’t stand listening to C0z. I’d rather hear you guys.

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