
Garmin Android Phone Announcement Coming This Year


garmin-asus-jvAt the beginning of this year, Garmin and ASUS announced their smartphone partnership in hopes of catapulting themselves to the forefront of the booming smartphone market. But what better way to catapult any phone to new heights these days than loading it up with Android? None – and that is exactly what the joint venture plans on doing. Unfortunately for us those plans have been delayed and delayed and delayed. But maybe not for much longer.

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At a media event in Taiwan, Asustek (ASUS) CEO Jerry Shen said the following regarding their Android phone plans:

While most of their comments were general statements about the market, Shih did say that the company’s Android smartphone will be unveiled this year.

If you’re confused about how I jumped from Garmin to Garmin-ASUS to ASUS and back to Garmin you should know something about the partnership: ALL phones made by either company will be a joint venture but in North America the “Garmin” name will be used while elsewhere the more recognizeable “ASUS” name will be attached. AT&T recently launched the first ever Garmin phone – the Nuvifone G60 – but if the same phone were launched in Asia it would likely be called the ASUS Nuvifone G60.

The Garmin/ASUS naming convention is all semantics. The point is that ASUS pretty much confirmed on behalf of the joint venture that a Garmin Nuvifone with Android will be announced before the end of the year. That is exciting stuff any way you try and twist it.

[Via DigiTimes]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. And why did they waste so much time on the universally panned G60?

  2. Asus is the same Asus that produces PC motherboards and video cards ?

  3. “this year” could be their financial year …

  4. Can’t wait to get the Nav package off bittorrent.

  5. images are back in Europe :D

  6. well, Nuviphone already runs linux based OS, why not write some drivers and run Android on it as well? Garmin’s been going downhill with cutting corners in their GPS devices, but it seems they really cut some legs off the chair they are sitting on with Nuvi line of phones. Hope they learn.

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