
TomTom Android Application On The Way


logo_tomtomAndroid Forums members have been wondering about TomTom for Android since November 2008. It’s time for that discussion to continue as TomTom execs have clearly implied the company is working on a TomTom Android application:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

“We cannot ignore such a successful platform as Android. HTC is an important partner of ours and Android is becoming increasingly important too.”

Windows Mobile has had TomTom capabilities for some time now and the Apple iPhone TomTom app is the most recent addition to the stable. Symbian and BlackBerry users will have to wait a little longer, if not forever:

“We spent so much time producing the iPhone software and we were later on the scene than we wanted but the standard of the service and the quality of the satnav is what was most important to us.”

“I do not question the opportunity that RIM might offer but we know that a satnav device needs to have a large touchscreen and voice commands to be able to work for turn-by-turn navigation. We come from a PDA background and we know what will work.”

This will be a GREAT story to follow – I know for a FACT that there are a LOT of Android owners out there craving TomTom integration. Right now Telenav leads the way in on-Android GPS navigation, but the introduction of TomTom for Android will be a welcomed alternative.

For a point of reference, here is a quick initial review of TomTom on the iPhone:

The TomTom iPhone App costs $100 and I would expect the Android price to be comparable. Clearly one of the more pricey apps on the Android Market, would that be worth it to you?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I would pay that if they are willing to keep the map’s up to date.
    Does TomTom have Satlight photo intergration?
    However I think they could get attention with the addition of fetures sutch as a “Gladus portal” voice or like a “Star Trek Computer” voice. Or location bookmarks (With piture/contact attathments [This is Jhon’s Home] or [There is a speed camra here (Date)] or [This is a Geo-cash] or [My fav Donut shop ;) ]). Or maby a “find me” SWITCH so that other peoples phones could track and find you with there TomTom Phones.
    I love little gimick’s like that.

  2. sprint has its own FREE nav app. its good enough that I never use my separate gps unit anymore. Sprint FTW

  3. $100 are they smoking crack? we’re paying for software not ****ing hardware

  4. I will only pay $100 for something that will teleport me to the location I want to go to… :P

  5. Digital Map data is sold by NavTaq for less than $10 per user wholesale. Charging $100 for rendering digital data and route calculation is insane IMO. Any satnav app charging more than $35 is ripping their customers off…

  6. i agree with steve. im pretty sure you can get a tomtom unit (hardware and all) for under $100

  7. The software is worth what the market will support.

    So you can get a TomTom box. Then you have two boxes. The POINT is to NOT HAVE TWO BOXES.

    If the Android version is good then I’ll get it becuase TeleNav blows as does CoPilot. You get what you pay for.

  8. paying $100 for sat nav SOFTWARE seems a bit pricey, especially considering most people upgrade their phones now every 12-18 months. Are we going to have to pay $100 again just to reinstall the software which we already paid for, just to put it on our new phone!
    I think the CoPilot sat nav app is 10 times better and a damn site better priced!

  9. It the TomTom navigation works off-line, I would pay the $100! I’m expecting to download only the updates of the maps when I say it download.

  10. Check NDRIVE. They have already made an awesome GPS NaV software for android.

  11. Jiri, CoPilot just now works fully off-line…

  12. $100 would work for me (and many others) if TT would include true commercial vehicle integration. Vehicle type: Class 8 – then route me onto some goat trail… no doubt this sounds familiar – yes, we are still waiting with fists full of dollars!

  13. $100 is too much, unless that buys you a solution “for a lifetime”. I wouldn’t want to be passed by a newer version that requires you to pay again, or buy a single map for every country I go to…

  14. its a bit too late, I now have CoPilot for half the price and it is just as good as tomtom,

    i think they may of missed out, dont think alot of people will change

  15. NDRIVE is on crack.

    80 euros just for maps, compared to usd$ 100 for the name brand TomTom product which includes maps?

  16. No way. I would pirate it for that. I would pay $40AUD tops… it’s SOFTWARE guys… they’re smoking some serious shit if they’re expecting market (no pun intended) share with a $100US pricetag. Even with the US economey and exchange rate DESTROYED. lmao.

  17. TomTom dropped any plans for the Android platform back in September. Not going to happen.

  18. “Windows Mobile has had TomTom capabilities for some time now”

    haha tomtom started on windows mobile (or ce as it was back then) on the PDAs, i had the first version, and its now that tomtom tell us they are no longer developing for windows mobile, even tho its those users that MADE their company! not good!

  19. At the moment I’m thinking of upgrading my mobile. I may be forced though to buy a HTC Touch HD rather than a Google Android phone. Would love an Android over Windows Mobile, but want the next phone I get to incorporate TomTom so I don’t need to also carry my PDA around with me. I would be certainly willing to pay up to about £80 for TomTom on a phone as I’ve seen some of the other SatNav softwares and none of them, not even Garmin, manage to include all the useful features in them like TomTom does. I find TomTom on my HP iPaq to be very easy and convenient to use and that is only Navigator 6. As for people upgrading phones every 12-18 months, you can uninstall the TomTom app and re-install it on a new phone as I’ve asked TomTom if I can do that with my iPaq, although I’ll probably end up buying Navigator 7 rather than copying Navigator 6 across for all the new features.

  20. Looks like Darren ( Jan 10, 2010 ) works for Tom Tom. Or he is on crack, cause no one is going to pay that much.

  21. I have TomTom on my P1i and works like a charm. I think most of you know even if the software does cost lets say $100 you don’t always have to pay that amount. Just look on the web for some kind of “free” version of the software and use that. I’m looking to go to Android but if I cant get TomTom for it I will have to get the H2 or something in that line. I dont really want to use more than one Phone or PDA just to get the SatNav to work.

  22. Google Maps Navigation is free and potentially a lot more useful than the overpriced TomTom offering. You’d have to be smoking crack to ignore it.

  23. Android got Google Navigation, which is in many ways superior to conventional things like Tomtom or Garmin. It has live traffic (that works, unlike T. or G.’s) and finds fastest route. It has convenience of Google Maps built-in. The only drawbacks I know of:
    – No night mode
    – Cannot work where there is no phone signal.

    Don’t buy WinMo, I cannot stand that thing once I started using Android. It is beyond comparison.

    Given Google Navigation is out, Tomtom could have slashed the plans to make soft for Android, ’cause you cannot compete with “free”.

  24. wake up guys! if you wanna you use google must have data and pay for it. so is it really free? i dont think so.
    but regular gps;once you buy it and you dont pay penny more. but with data you pay always .

  25. Tom Tom has dropped plans for Android and Windows Mobile because they are stealing the market from where the real dollars are – complete GPS units

  26. Yeah… that makes sense… explains the iPhone appp. Oh, no it doesn’t…

    TomTom announced that there would be no Nav 7 standalone – only bundled with phones – because of the piracy rate. They soon backtracked when they realised how many they could sell (and how few OEM deals they’d done with operators).

    I paid £60 for Nav 7 for Windows Mobile for my Touch HD and it was worth every penny. By far the best nav software out there. I’d rather pay a cross-grade price for a version for my htc Desire, but I’d pay £60-70 if I had to. In the meantime, I may use the HD as a dedicated satnav…

  27. Yes they are not gonna make one for Symbian since Nokia now offer their OVI maps software for free which is a nice turn by turn navigation with maps for the whole world.
    $100 for just the software!! you must be kidding me TOMTOM….

  28. if You pay about €100 tomtom give You maps for all EU. tom tom add to navi 2 extras: iq rouds, and HD Traffic.
    if You like spend time in traffic, use oder soft. when You like go qukly to destination use tomtom.
    This is the diferrens. calkulate 1 min in tfaffic its €1.
    trai its on practik on stretrs.

  29. I have been using google navigator on my android and it works fine as long as you have internet.

  30. I would no way in any way pay 100 dollars for TomTom. Navigon is priced on the android market and seems to be the best on the android market by a long way. I used co pilot hted the irratating standard voices. I prefer comical voices and navigon say they will provide voices at a modest rate. 100$ is way too much as good as tom tom is. I have a htc desire but I hsve a htc touch diamond 2 with tom tom nav 7 its awesome. However The htc desire wont suport tom tom nav 7. As good as tom tom is I do find them a bit over priced. I must admit. Like I say navigon seems to be the best so far on android market and if Tom Tom does come on the android market it has to be compeitive over its rivals and that means keeping the prices in line with demand. Not 100 to 5000 dollars too much!!!

  31. dudes get osmand for free free maps and stuff

  32. Yes I would pay $100 for TomTom on android. I have this app already on iPhone and love it, but am wanting to move to an Android device.

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