
Huawei Android Headed To T-Mobile Q3


Unless you have alzheimers, you probably remember the Android handset that Huawei announced at Mobile World Congress last week. Their announcement was short of pretty much all the details we wanted and virtually all we got was a solitary device pulling a David Blaine.

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While specs are pretty up in the air, the carrier question may have been answered in a Digitimes article today:

ZTE has also established a strategic partnership with T-Mobile with cooperation covering handsets and data card devices for all the T-Mobile’s markets in Europe. Meanwhile, Huawei has announced that it will manufacture touchscreen Android-powered smartphones for T-Mobile with shipments to begin in the third quarter of 2009.

Another Android headed to T-Mobile, this one in 3rd Quarter. While the article doesn’t make mention of location – this could be TMO USA and/or TMO Europe – it’ll likely be released on both if in fact T-Mobile is the suitor. It appears that Huawei will also bring an Android Phone to TIM Brazil, the 3rd largest Brazillian carrier.

[DigiTimes via Unwiredview, photo via CNET]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. As a suggestion, you may want to omit the term ‘unless you have Alzheimers’ from your library of cute opening phrases for your postings. Our family has a history of the disease, my mother is showing early symptoms — it’s on the minds of our family members constantly.

    Not a big deal, just seeing that sentence presented in such a topical and shallow manner is a bit cringe-inducing :(

  2. my grandmother has the disease and im going to tell you what it didn’t make a difference to me. im not offended easily, nor am i someone who cant take a joke.

    i dont think that the article said unless your benji’s mom. im just sayin.

  3. will it be released for t-mobile usa in june

  4. think the opening statement could have been a lot more intelligently written than “Unless you have alzheimers”… very shoddy editing if you ask me. Doesn’t have to be offensive to be simply bad journalism.

  5. quit being a sissy… im tired of people being offended by every thing that is said. you cant make every one happy.

  6. I’m offended by the ‘pulling the David Blaine’ comment. My dog pulled a David Blaine, and it hurt my family sorely. I miss my Muffin Cake, he was the greatest dog ever. He knew how to jump, sit, walk our other dog, and play fetch. You bastards.

  7. I’m offended at people being offended. I’m also deeply troubled about that poor handset being made to live in a glass cage.

  8. I have aids! It offends alot of people but it is better than alzheimers. Remember when everyone called ahzheimers “old timers” disease? That was funny times. Besides that first lady probably already came down with alzheimers and forgot that she was offended by people making fun of alzheimers. She is probably black too.

  9. I’m an old man with alzheimer’s and I bout dumped in my dungarees when I saw that doucher say he was offended by the alzheimers statement. What a toolbox. Sh*t,I’m an old man WITH alzheimers and I don’t give a shit people make jokes bout it. Then again, unlike the guy complaining, I actually get laid. Cry me a freakin river,buddy. Boo hoo my mommy and daddy and aunties pet fish’s best friend’s owners have alzheimer’s. Boo frickity hoo. Maybe u should be watchn after them instead of blogging about how your offended by your own existence. Go touch ur first vagina(unless u prefer mansausage) have a good day,whippersnappers. Sincerely, OldManWithAlzheimer’s

  10. fuck me Oldmanwithalzheimers

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