
Bixby Voice update lets you use shorter phrases


Bixby Voice is getting an update that’ll make it a little easier to use the more you use it. The app will now remember keywords in commands you use often, so the next time you want to use them you only need to say one or two words.

One example given was “Bixby, please check the balance of my bank account.” In this instance, Bixby would remember the words “balance” and “bank account,” and the next time you need to check those things you could just say those words.

It sounds really convenient, especially for those who hate having to periodically issue the same long voice commands for something they do routinely.

Unfortunately, since Bixby Voice is still only available in South Korea, those are the only users who get to even try this new functionality. Samsung has had trouble getting Bixby to understand English, so it’s delayed a while for other parts of the world. Still, it’ll be nice to have these and other features — as well as kinks ironed out — once it starts spreading to everyone.

[via SamMobile]

Quentyn Kennemer
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