
Samsung UK says the Galaxy Note 2 (and Galaxy S3) will not receive Android 5.0 Lollipop


Samsung Galaxy Note 2 watermarked

List it up under #AndroidProblems, but when it comes to firmware updates, it’s always tough figuring out if an update will hit older legacy devices. In the case of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, there’s been a lot of guessing as to whether or not the phablet will see an update to Android 5.0 Lollipop. On one hand, the phone launched back in August 2012, which falls outside the usual support offered to devices younger than 2 years. On the other hand, there was that small bit of info we saw towards the end of last year which listed the Note 2 as receiving a future update to Lollipop, but that was only on Samsung’s Finnish website.

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It doesn’t help that Samsung hasn’t been the most forthcoming with information on the update, sending mixed information across various social networks which has left the few owners that even care about Android updates scratching their heads. It seems Samsung UK is finally shedding a little more light on the subject, but it isn’t looking so good. They’ve been responding to Galaxy Note 2 owners on Twitter, letting them (and Galaxy S3 owners) know that they will not be receiving an update to Lollipop in any fashion. At least not in the UK anyway. Keep in mind that Samsung accounts in other regions are telling a much different story, so it’s possible the update could hit some countries in Europe, just not everywhere.

This especially doesn’t bode well for those of you in the states still holding onto the Galaxy Note 2. Not only would Samsung have to work on delivering an update to various carrier versions, but US carriers would then have evaluate whether or not the update provides any lasting value to their customers who have more than likely moved onto newer devices. Add in the manpower it takes to approve these updates and the possible bugs therein and you get the picture. Still, for the truly dedicated, there’s nothing stopping you from simply rooting your device and flashing a custom ROM.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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