
Alleged model numbers of 3 mysterious Motorola devices spotted with 2K displays


Moto X 2014 black DSC07129

As we inch ever closer to the Motorola Moto X 2014’s year anniversary, it only makes new info surrounding the expected followup would begin leaking out onto the webs. While we’re not entirely sure if this qualifies as a leak, it’s piqued our curiosity. Especially after rumors of a 3rd generation Moto X camera were allegedly leaked earlier today.

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Over the weekend, a Reddit user posted the model numbers of a few reported Motorola devices, one (or all) of which could be the 3rd generation Moto X. He apparently discovered them in his “analytics system” (we’re guessing it’s something similar to Android’s developer console) going by the model numbers XT1578, XT1585, and XT192A. All of the devices originated in or near the Chicago area (where Motorola’s HQ is located), all reportedly pack 2K Quad HD displays, all are running Android 5.1, and all are all headed to Verizon Wireless.

While it’s easy to assume these could be another trio of next-gen Motorola devices for 2015 — the Moto E, Moto G, and Moto X — it’s the Quad HD displays that are throwing us off. We’re not sure what Motorola is planning, or even if this leak is legit (the Reddit users created a throwaway account to post the above info), but it’ll be interesting to see what comes out of these model numbers as the months progress.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. There were camera specs leaked too. OIS, 4K recording 30fps, 1080 60fps & 120fps, & 720 at 240fps. They will be switching back to Clear Pixel sensors. All of those sound really good, but I hope they execute really well and produce quality images and videos.

  2. New round of Droids.

  3. I don’t understand, why can’t Motorola release there droid line on all carrier, what happened to the atrix brand

    1. I would forego buying a lot of important things if the Droid line came to Canada, no damn question.

    2. Verizon Pays for the Droid Branding. That’s pretty much it.

      1. They can keep the branding but Motorola should rename the devices for other carriers

    3. AT&T decided to pay for all Samsung and LG’s variants.

  4. The hype just got real.

    1. Yeah real bad.

      1. Yay, the resident Samsung fanboy/troll is here to make more childish, unintelligent quips.

  5. In short, un-necessary ultra high resolution, while battery life is decreasing. Looks like the norm. I believe the leak is truthful. I would not be surprise if the X3 has some extra features such as infra-red vision, or X-Ray blaster. Nowadays, phones has a bunch of features to attract new customers … who buy the features they don’t need.

    1. Anything above 1080p on a phone is ridiculous. But on the other hand, maybe some of these companies feel their hands are tied. They might actually disagree with these 2K/4K mobile displays but since this is the latest, greatest “feature” marketed to doe-eyed, non-techie customers, they may fear not keeping up with the Joneses could mean filing for chapter 11.

      1. Let’s just hope they dont hop on to 4k. If they do I’m hopping over to the iPhone as my main.

    2. Motorola has never been known to have great battery life unless you had the Maxx, their battery capacity is pretty low.

  6. Take my money

  7. Verizon is the key piece. These are likely just replacements for the Turbo and the Maxx. There is no way the Moto E successor is going to be packing 2K.
    **Queue the complaints that Moto doesn’t bring the Droid line to GSM**

    1. and going by the Specs leaked the XT1585 and XT192Ashould be only 4.3″ and the XT1578 will be 5″. I’m not so sure that will be the case in the end, but I think making a powerhouse phone with battery life, great camera and a 4.3″ form factor is going to sell like crazy.

    2. Dint the Turbo replace the Maxx? Cause they dint release a Maxx last year. But yea it’s probably the Droid line up and the Moto x

      1. I thought the Turbo replaced the Maxx HD, and a new Maxx replaced the old Maxx or something along those lines… I’m not sure about the 3rd device. It might be the 2015 Moto X, but seems odd we haven’t seen the GSM version leaked anywhere yet.

  8. No qwerty ones? where’s droid 5 damnit

    1. It was shelved.

  9. The x, g and e

  10. New Droid Turbo, Maxx, and RAZR. End of story. .

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