
Google just made it easier than ever to get food delivered straight to your door


Google search food delivery option

We’ve watched as Google has consistently updated their app in recent weeks, adding features like 3rd party voice actions, and even Star Wars trivia. Today, Google announced yet another feature making its way to the search/do everything engine: the ability to order food directly from their search results.

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Getting food delivered to your door is easy for the most part. Simply open the app (or go on from your web browser) and search for nearby restaurant. If they perform deliveries, you’ll see an option under the restaurants listing to “Place an order.” From there, you’ll be able to pick from one of 6 different delivery services: Seamless, Grubhub, Eat24,, BeyondMenu or

Once selected, you simply complete your order on their website and you’re on your way to a hot meal. Although the list may sound a bit skimpy at the moment, Google says they’re looking to add more service providers in the future, so keep a look out. And yes, this is US-only for now (sorry, rest of the world).

It’s not quite Chipotle delivery, but it’s the next best thing if peeling yourself off the couch to grab a meal sounds like too much work.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I work from home. Pretty soon, I’m never gonna have to leave the house again :) lol

  2. I’m surprised it took this long to happen, but is very much welcome for the times you just want to order out. GrubHub was a favorite of mine during my undergrad years

  3. Cool. Now if any of those places supported where I live.

    1. I agree. Maybe i’ll start my own business and do it myself.

  4. thats awesome! although Chipotle sucks.

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