
Man uses Samsung Gear VR to virtually attend the birth of his child over 2,400 miles away [VIDEO]


Samsung Gear VR birth 1

While you’re still thinking up reasons why you should pick up one of the soon-to-be-many VR headsets available on the market, one man was able to watch the birth of his child in 360-degrees. Over the weekend, Samsung Australia uploaded a video to YouTube showing how they were able to bring a man — over 2,485 miles away — closer to his family using the Samsung Gear VR headset.

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It’s what Samsung is calling the world’s first “live virtual reality birth” using the Samsung Gear VR. Once strapped in, the man was able to watch the entire birth of his child live, in stunning virtual reality, almost as if he were in the room. Of course, it would take a great deal of effort to set something like this up and as Samsung notes, requires more than just a headset (360-degree camera, streaming equipment, Galaxy Note 4).

Not matter what your thoughts on virtual reality are, you have to admit — that’s pretty damn cool. The 6-minute emotional video can be found below. Bring a tissue.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Someone will find a reason to hate on Samsung in 5,4,3,2,1….

    1. I hate Samsung I can’t believe they would support this man not being at his child’s birth!

      1. Sometimes life happens… Circumstances arise.. I know, it’s a pretty big deal to miss something like that but hey, gotta put food on the table and start saving for baby’s college fund..

          1. Ooooh someone needs their daily xanax dosage, toke and a brewery.. That or some poonanny in ur life!

          2. Brewsky me means

    2. oh come on! U can t tell me theres nothing wrong with this? Not a single thing?!?!

  2. I hope they paid the guy well for using the birth of his child for marketing.

  3. Who the F**k is cutting onions in here!

    1. cry baby

      1. I don’t know what you talking about

        1. lol dont worry, my allergies are killing me over here

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