
This is Cyanogen’s new boot animation, coming soon to Cyanogen OS 12 [VIDEO]


Cyanogen Inc new logo

Cyanogen is all grown up. When they’re not making bold statements about how they’d like to “take Android away from Google,” they’re en route to secure $110 million in funding, with a company valuation of somewhere around $500 million. That’s a lot of money. So much money, in fact, it was time to get a new logo because — let’s face it — that sassy pseudo Android mascot, Cid, just wasn’t going to cut if for investors.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

CM 12 Cid new boot animation

CyanogenMod’s current “Cid” boot animation

That’s why Cyanogen introduced a new “brand identity” for commercial devices during Mobile World Congress with a new logo, website, and all-around different tone than the Cyanogen we’ve grown up with. And, after a new Cid boot animation (above) was just barely introduced in CM12 nightlies last month for 3rd party devices, Cyanogen is now giving us a sneak peek at their all new boot animation that will soon arrive in Cyanogen OS 12.  You can check out the new boot animation down below, lens flares abound. Be sure to tell us what you think.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge have officially been rooted via CF Auto-Root

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  1. I’m looking forward to those navigation, look better than the lollipops ones.

  2. So that’s what a few millions gets you…

    1. Yeah, they probably paid someone 6 figures to come up with that.

  3. Terrible new boot!! Bring back Cid!! For a company complaining about Google they sure look awfully materialistic now!! How’s that song go? I’m the Material Girl! once again everybody Caves of money!!

    1. Cyanogen (the company) and it’s money has turned the people that are actually part of the company now into idiots and douchebags the likes of which I’d only previously seen in the rotten fruit company.

      1. such hated, love it haha

        1. Just saying it how it is. Their CEO is trying to pull a John Legere and failing. What’s more they’re slowly falling behind on actually doing what made Cyanogenmod great – creating, integrating and implementing features in a unique version of Android that was regularly updated before the whole Cyanogen Inc. debacle.

          No Micromax, no crazy BS with funding or “taking Android away from Google”, nothing. None of that or an official incorporated company was necessary for them to originally develop and update Cyanogenmod and I don’t see more benefits than drawbacks from having all those things.

          1. was not disagreeing at all! =)

  4. *yaaaaaaaawn*

  5. Move along…nothing to see here.

  6. I like it and I like their branding. It’s distinctive, professional and walks the line between geek and corporate well. However, I’d like it a whole lot more if it was actually shipping right now. Unfortunately CyanogenMod has become exactly what it was intended to replace – the ridiculous wait time between Android updates!

  7. Was this boot animation created by JJ Abrams?

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